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Hexed Gaming

Welcome to Hexed Gaming!

This is currently just a simple little site run by Hexrapper carrying his reviews. I'm hoping to expand it eventually as the review count raises into a nice catalog of my reviews for various games. Also, be aware that I'll often refer to myself as 'us'. Because I like the way that sounds better. >_>

With some reviews, there will also be videos available to watch. These videos will demonstrate basic gameplay. These are hosted by Putfile.

Upload Video and Images - Putfile

If you would like to support Hexed Gaming, you can donate to us via PayPal. There is no set amount required - we will accept anything, and anything is greatly appreciated. Donations motivate us to review more and more games - it also gives us the spending money required to do so =). We also have a unique offer among web-sites - point us in the direction of a web-site that carries a specific game (and that will ship to Canada), donate the precise amount required to aquire that game, and we will review that game, so long as we recieve it and can play it. Guarenteed. Hold us to our word for it, it'll happen.
Any donation over $5 (CAD) will allow the donor to have his name listed on this page, being thanked. Any game which we review that is the result of a donor donating enough to purchase a select title off the internet will list their name at the end of the review, and explain that it is because of this person that the game in question was reviewed. After the game is reviewed, we will also gladly send the donor the game which he allowed us to play and review. Details (such as shipping among other things) will be discussed individually with the donor.

You can also show your support by telling your friends about this site! We see how many people visit thanks to the Page-Hit Counter, and it makes us feel good and motivated when the number grows. Yeah, you could just hit the refresh button a bunch of times and it'd have the same effect, but the more people reading, the better. The higher the hit count, the more likely we are to grow into something more than what we are now (like perhaps a 'real' site , like It could happen, and donations can be put to that!). Please tell friends about this site and check back every week or so to see if a new review is up - and thanks for any and all support!


Game Footage