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Obsession Signs!

(thanks to MMMARY at MMMatureHansonFans for this background!)
Here some signs that I myself made up and wrote down(I didn't get any of these off of any web-sites)
You'd be surprised-some of this stuff you-yeah you are probably guilty of doing...

1.When you listen to their music,nothing and nobody matters
2.You announce to your friends that you had a dream and a very strong feeling about marrying your fave Hanson
3.When you wash dishes by hand(for those who don't have dishwashers)you spell their names with soap on the washing bowl
4.Repedeatly correct your family and friends to say "o-tay" not "okay","ikes" not "yikes",when you say exactly you emphasize..exZACtly..
5.Sit down with your fave Hanson pic and just sit there for hours smiling into their eyes
6.Always visit Hanson sites when you surf(Like NOW!lol)
7.Try to convert all your friends to "Hansonizim"
8.They're cd's are ALWAYS in your cd player(or tape deck)
9.Your room might as well be called "The Hanson Dome"(cause of all the pics)
10.Measure ALL cute guys with your fave Hanson,insisting they're never sweet enough or good looking
11.Everywhere you go you try to spell they're names in the clouds
12.Put "Hanson" at the end of your name and sigh
13.Name your dog Wickett Jr. after Ike's dog(to keep the name living in his memory:( poor Ike)
14.Try to fit all they're quotes into your every day speech
15.Go to Tulsa and search for the Hanson's home
16.Try to break into the house and meet Hanson(this is kinda extreme)
17.Own every single Hanson video and cd
18.Write to them at every fan mail address every week
19.Scream at the thought of meeting them
20.Cry when you hear Ike sing "More Than Anything"
21.Guzzle Dr.Pepper like it's water
22.Eat hamburger pizza all the time
23.Ask the employees at every McDonalds if they've seen a really hot rock star lately..namely Zac Hanson
24.Write to teen mags and demandMORE HANSON!
25.When you jump rope to the ABC song(of who's the boy you love alot?-can we all say together"teeny-bopper":))you either kill yourself to make it to "z"(if you're out of shape)or take it easy for"I" or "T".
26.When the windows are foggy in the car you write Hanson's names all over the place
27.Grafiti "I lOVE HANSOn" in the bathroom stalls even though you know it's wrong
28.Everytime you meet a new friend you ask them(trying not to be pushy)if you like Hanson,out of hope that you'll find someone who's as crazy about them as you are
29.Get BSB and N'stink(if you dare)pics and set them next to(you better)Hanson the best and faint..
30.Meet Hanson lovers over the web and suggest to your parents you move next door to them
31.Wish that you could've moved to South America when Hanson lived there,so you could've been childhood sweethearts with your fave Hanson
32.Try to find"Hanson" in your bloodline of relatives then change your mind, cause like the other 5,000're gonna be future Mrs.Hanson and you know you can't marry relatives
33.Make big plans to spend your summer in California and Tulsa,hoping to run into them
34.While driving on the high way in California,make your dad speed next to any large bus that might look like Hanson could be in there, only to find a man with no hair
35.At a Hanson concert do ANYTHING you can so that Zac(or your fave Hanson) would stop in the middle of a song because he saw you-his dream girl
36.Call or e-mail your fave radio station 2 times a day requesting MMMBOP
37.Cut the grass to spell Hanson then quickly run back over it so your mom won't get mad
38.Blast your neighbours out with HANSON while sitting on your porch or playing basketball(or whatever)outside
39.Hold signs up to other cars that say " I LOVE HANSON" while driving around town
40.Shout " I LOVE HANSON" at the top of your lungs every 3 hours,wherever you are
41.Sing they're songs ALL the time non-stop
42.Put I love (fave hanson) name on everything you can put your hands on.(credit for all obsession signs here down go to Lucy)
43.Put a hanson screensaver on your computer
44.Change your screen name and make a profile that says nothing but your name, City Tulsa, OK anything to do with hanson to try and see how many people think your hanson's relatives
45.Put pics of hanson all over your room and even on your night lamp ( if you have one)
46.Demand to hanson that they put out Hanson light switch covers
47.When your parents come home from work and your the first one home from school and they ask if anyone called you say "Yes hanson called and asked if I can go out with them today"
48.Go into nothing but hanson chatrooms
49.Put all your buddys in your buddylist as Isaac Taylor or Zac or Jessica
(everything from here on is mine)
50.The bottom line is that when you see a pic of Hanson,you become and assasinated victim!
(credit for these two goes to: Ashley P.! Thank you!)
51. You tell your boyfriend you can only go out with him when Hanson is NOT in the never know when you could bump into them and you don't want to be in a relationship!
52. You run up to every Zac Hanson fan you saw at the last concert, and tell them ZAC IS MINE! and they ran away really fast hoping not to get knocked out!:)
53.(credit for this one goes to my best friend JESSICA!) you waste your day writing an "obsessive of hanson" page
54. (credit for this one goes to Amber) You are an obsessed fan, if your mom starts having dreams about them because you talk about them so much!

OKay! I think Your obsessed now! ooooh I'm suffering from typers ache!!!:)lol some of these are crazy huh?
Well I bet alot of you do these..anyways..if you have anymore you'd like to share(You will get FULL CREDIT)-oh and please ask if you are going to use any of these...