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My Love Story

hahaha! that wind is strong!
(thanks to Nancy's Border's for this cool background!)

I’ve loved Hanson since 97’ and never have ever loved anyone

the same as them. I was struggling so bad with peer pressuer I

didn’t actually become the “die hard” fan till beginning of 98’

when I finally overcame my depression of peer pressure. Hanson had SO much

to do with helping me realize to be who I was and not be ashamed to say I loved them. If Hanson

ever reads this, I just want to say thank you so much for everything-I really love you

guys and I also want to say that I appreciate you guys setting such a good example

for people who like me who needed

to be reminded of who I was..thank you guys! anyways...It was

really sad for me to see how slowy but surely Hanson

dissapeared from the Teen magazines, radio stations and the

youthful voice all together. By 98’ the name Hanson was merely

just another band that had come and failed for almost everybody I knew. You were considered

“teeny-bopper” and “immature” for loving Hanson. I don’t

know where all of those sad, lost teens and pre-teens got the

idea that loving a bunch of good-looking, tight brothers,who

found the passion to fulfil their dream was “teeny”. I,

unfortunantly have been forced to watch a BSB concert with one

of my “friends” because she recorded a Hanson bio for me. It

makes me sick to watch those fags perform. I try my best to

respect everybody’s opninon but if Hanson Haters can speak

freely than so can we Hanson Lovers. A.J (from Backstreet

Bums:) jumps on this rail lifting his shirt and literally

yelling-NOT SINGING. Then he jumps back off and does all

these stupid pelvic moves for all the pre-puberscant bunch of

true “teeny-bopper” screaming girls. What kindof talent is that?

It takes absolutely NO talent to promote sex and drugs. But it

takes true talent for somebody to write good clean songs about

life and relationships. Hanson is the best band out there. They

show their family values and keep their heads on right. Hanson

has never done anything to make me feel ashamed to say they

are my favorite band. I support them 24/7 with pride and love.

I’m never afraid to tell anyone that I love them. As much I tried

to like BSB,N’sync and all the other manufactured bands, as

much as I tried to see talent behind those “smooth” voices and

identical lyrics and sound. I couldn’t. I just COULD NOT see

any depth, any personality behind those twin bands. I’m sorry if

you are offended for the way I’ve spoke about them, but I’m not

sorry I’m a fan and proud of it. We still might be thought

“teeny” for loving Hanson-regardless of the phenomonal change

in looks and music Hanson has made(and there STILL is

nothing wrong with the old Hanson). But we know the

truth-HANSON ROCKS! period. end of discussion. I just

wanted to let all of you fans out there know that there is

someone out there who feels the same exact way that you do.

That there is other people who love Hanson the same way and

care about them, support them defend them and everything else

that comes with joys of being a happy and nothing but PROUD

(in the good way-duh!)Hanson fan. If you love Hanson as much

as I do please send me your name and story, I’ll be more than

happy to add you to the Hanson fans page! Take care, never give

up the Luvin’ and stay cool! ASHLEY

Your Love Stories

P.S. Please e-mail me your full name(unless for some reason you don’t want to), your age and how long you’ve been a fan. Since 97’ or Since just now, I don’t care, you’re loved anyways!:) And you can add your love story for Hanson if you’d like...