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Isaac's Basics

Check Out Isaac's Birthday Party!

Happy Birthday Clarke Isaac!
Full Name: Clarke Isaac Hanson
Age: 19
Birthday: Novemeber 27,1980
Hometown: Tulsa,Oklahoma
Parents: Walker and Diana Hanson
Siblings: Taylor,Zachary,Jessica,Avery,Mackie and Zoe
Inspiration to play the guitar: Dad,Walker
Sport: In-line skating
Fave Restaraunt: dominos
Celebrity Crush: I've heard it's super-model Cindy Crawford
Grade: Graduated highschool
Jewlery: Ike doesn't wear that much-but he sports a silver ring on his left middle finger and a wristwatch(and a cross neckalace I've seen him wear more than once)
Songs he leads on "Middle of Nowhere": Minute without you
Songs he leads on "Snowed In": Little Saint Nick,At Christmas,Run Run Rudolph,(part of) Silent Night Medley
Songs he leads on "3-car garage": Two Tears,Day has Come,River,Surely as the Sun,Soldier,Pictures and Sometimes
Songs he leads on "Live from Albertane": River,Minute Without You,More than anything
Songs he leads on "This Time Around": (second verse in) This Time Around, (bridge in) Can't Stop, Love Song and Hand in Hand
Personality type: serious one
Nicknames:Ike, Ikesters
Favorite Feature:The way that one eye dissapears and his face lights up when he smiles--:)

Fact about Ike: Though pro at any kind of guitar, Isaac seems to be more comfortable with acoustic-he started out with a classical guitar!

This is what he looked like before the haircut...

This is the other side....
