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the three best guys on earth!

Sometimes, things have to come to end. Sometimes (a lot of times) people can't update sites anymore.. I'm sorry guys.. I can't update this site anymore

I'm closing this down because of some personal issues and family issues. That absolutley does NOT mean I'm not a Hanson fan anymore. I know how it feels to visit a cool review on a site and find a page like this. It makes you feel, once again, like the only Hanson fan alive...

I want you all to remember, that fansoness does not show by how many books you have or if you have a website or own EVERYTHING EVER released by Hanson. It's in your heart. And it's in my heart. I'll still be mmmbopping 20 years from now and I hope you will be too.

I CAN'T wait for there new album this fall! Keep looking for it! Thank you so much to all of you who contributed to this website and who helped me tell people about it. I want to apologize to all of my online friends who I will no longer be able to write. is no longer going to be checked. I hope you know, it was nothing against you or Hanson. This is something I had to for personal reasons.

Always keep up the Hanson fight and never stop mmmbopping! woohoo.. Hanson rocks!

I can't keep myself from thinking 'bout you..
It's because I love you and I know, that it's true


If you'd like to check out what was left behind by me..*how sad* :D Feel free too.. Hanson rocks!

And here is the good-old fashioned Hanson fan farewell....

Peace, love and bullet-proof marshmellows! MMMBOP!

Hanson W.A.R.S.
01-05-00 - 06-13-01