.:::Nero Phoenix's Stats:::. 





Scene #1 - Time to move on.

The scene opens inside a small box sized room. The camera’s slowly swerve around the room, edifying numerous diploma’s hanging on the wall. As the scene begins to unfold it is noted that the room is in fact a therapist’s room. Slumped up on the leather couch is Nero Phoenix, who has been in his session for well over 2 hours. The therapist is sitting in a leather armchair with a notepad and a pen in her hand and has been jotting down notes throughout Nero’s session

Nero Phoenix: …and for the first time last night I had no bad dream.

Therapist: I think I’ve tackled the root of your problems. You want to know what I think, Nero. I think a very bad experience is holding you back from living the life you were suppose to live. You need to move on from your past and start thinking about the present and future.

Nero sits up and has and an expression appears on his face which suggests that he’s trying to soak in what the Therapist is saying.

Nero Phoenix: What you’re saying is starting to make a lot of sense. I’ve been clinging onto the past for way to long. Maybe it’s time I started focusing on the here and now, starting with my job as not only as a parent and husband but as a professional wrestler.

Therapist: That’s the spirit. I think it’s safe to say that today is the day we see a new Nero. Listen, I’ve got another appointment in about 5 minutes so we’re going to have to rap this up but you call me within the next 3 months and we’ll see how you’re getting on. If you’re true to your word I don’t think you’ll need anymore session with me.

Nero Phoenix: Thanks Doc! I believe you’ve made me see some sense today, finally!

Nero jumps up off the sofa and reaches for his jacket which is hanging from the rack. He puts on his jacket and shakes hands with the therapist. After doing so he leaves the room a changed man and the way his face lights up with a smirk proves it. Nero mutters, “A changed man? Heh.” Before walking down the hallway as the scene fades.

Scene #2 - Some things never change.

The re-opens at the Nero’s house in Chicago, Illinois, the EWE production crew are setting up for an interview with Nero as he sits in waiting on a chair with a cloud patterned board behind him. One of the crew members starts fitting in a mini microphone by attaching it to his shirt. Sitting beside Nero is Xplosion announcer Kenny who will be conducting the interview. They both sit and make small talk before the production manager give them the green light for the interview to go underway… 

Kenny: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Kenny welcoming you to the home of EWE Superstar and current reigning Pure Champion Nero Phoenix. Nero, at Summerslam you will be challenging Xavier Serikaz as you put your Pure Championship on the line. Some say that this is in fact your biggest challenge to date but what do you think?

Nero Phoenix: There is no denying that Xavier Serikaz is probably one of the best professional wrestlers gracing the ring today and I have no doubts in my mind that this is going to my toughest challenge to date. I won’t lie to you; I’m a bag of nerves and feeling very low confidence going into this match. Whether Xavier is a good guy or a bad guy he’s going to have the fans on his side because they cannot stand somebody as great as me and having the fans support is a big advantage because it keeps you pumped and makes you more determined to please the fans, but I will do everything in my power to ensure that Xavier Serikaz doesn’t walk out of Summerslam the Pure Champion.

Kenny: Earlier you were telling me how much of a changed man you’ve become recently. Talk us through that…

Nero Phoenix: Well, it’s no secret that I have indeed been in and out of therapy since I was 15 years old and it wasn’t until just recently that I came to realise just how much I need to stop living in the past. Life is what you make it and I intend to make my life a hell of a lot better for me and my family. Plus, I intend to start focusing more on where my career is going…

Kenny: So, can we expect to see a different side to Nero Phoenix from now on?

Nero laughs.

Nero Phoenix: I won’t change completely. I aim to be a lot more stable, mentally now but what I do in the ring wont change. I’ll still be kicking ass, taking names later and doing what I’ve got to do. There isn’t any other way to it in my book.

Kenny: You and Shawn Ashlocke have had some pretty harsh words for each other recently. What’s the deal between you two? 

Nero Phoenix: There wasn’t no deal, until I pinned Shawn Ashlocke. You see up until he stepped into the ring with me Shawn was pretty much unstoppable. He feels threatened by me and it’s understandable but it’s a matter of dog eats dog in this business and if I have to eliminate the competition in order to get to the top then that’s what I’ll do. That said, Shawn has made the challenge, I’ve accepted. Until he picks up continuing to run off his mouth I’ve got nothing to say to him or about him.

Kenny: Lastly, what are your back up plans should you fail to beat Xavier at Summerslam?

Nero Phoenix: I won’t lose, I cannot lose. The Pure Championship is like a child to me but to Xavier, it’s just another zero added to his pay cheque. I may be a changed man but I haven’t changed that much and there are simply no levels I won’t stoop to in order to make sure I remain Pure Champion. This title means more to me than it ever could mean to Xavier and for him to walk out of Summerslam would be a serious case of injustice.

Kenny: Thank you Nero Phoenix. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m Kenny and this is Nero Phoenix. Thanks for watching and make sure you don’t forget to catch Summerslam LIVE! Sunday 27th August. See you then.

Kenny shakes hands with Nero and the cameras stop rolling soon after. The scene then fades after a brief commercial for Summerslam airs.