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The New Green Cow Gazette

Howdy campers,

This is Pat, the creator of the Green Cow Gazette. For those of you who don't know, don't remember, or have chosen not to remember, the Green Cow was an underground newspaper written by me and my friends at Mason High School. To say it was a newspaper isn't exactly right, we just wrote jokes, rants, and offended people. Dante made it his business to offend, and in the process pissed off Mormons, feminists, Christians, feminists, and various other groups...and that was one issue.

But, of course the staff at good ol' MHS had a problem with it, and got my parents involved, and I basically just gave up, because I didn't want to deal with it anymore.

Anyway, I missed the Green Cow, I missed the outlet for my feelings and thoughts. Therefore, I have decided to use this website for that very purpose, and have resurrected the name of the Green Cow. But it doesn't end there...I plan on tracking down Dante and the others, and hopefully they will be writing here too.

I plan to write as often as I can, about anything I want, no parents, no administration, pure Green Cow Gazette, the way it was intended. Of course, don't expect the same old thing, I've changed a lot since high school (thankfully), and I'm basically doing this site to get things off my chest, and have a way to express myself, not for the same reasons I wrote the Green Cow in high school (boredom, attempting to be cool, chicks, and making good on a drunken bet...just kidding on one of those...)

UPDATE: I have told the old crew (the ones I can find, I don't know where John Szilagyi is) so, they should hopefully be writing soon if all goes well. We have a new writer actually, he isn't one of the classic Green Cow writers, but hopefully he'll be just as good. Anyway, his column is called "Roadhouse Blues" and you should check it out.


Articles and other cool stuff......

A Few Thoughts From Pat
RoadHouse Blues
