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Black Hole

Black Hole

I have learned that life is precious and it should be charished and handled with care.
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Well there is now two months of SUMMER! I think I'm going to work and I have to take fooking Calm at the end of July... Yuck I know... Other than the awesome, fun-filled gatherings I don't think anything signfigant is going to happen in the summer of 2004... We can only wait and see

I speak for most of my friends out there. Right now there are three important things in life: drama life, music and the stage. It's a beautiful thing. But when it's over...that will be hard to coupe with...


Besides the theatre, I love to write. I am currently on a forum that supports on-line writing. I believe the best way to vent or to deal with anything that you maybe going through, you can deal with it with a pen or a paint brush.


Revolution: It started at first glance, a moment of silence as the world turned. Then gradually a smile, as cheeks went flush. Whispers behind closed doors spoke to special friends of the continuous dance of progress. It was the tingle of butterfly wings each time you passed that stopped me for breath. Then came words. Reading and speaking between the lines kept us on our feet. Questions and answers turned into conversations and conversations turned into wordless communication. We often finished each others sentences and thoughts, our minds like one. It was the first time you grabbed to hold my hand, the feeling of your fingers entwined with my own. Awkward and sweet we pulled away at first sight of public. It is the time spent with our friends, each side knowing the truth yet keeping it at bay. It is the first time your lips touched mine, the audacity and overwhelming confusion that kept me up for hours later with you on my mind. It was the exciting embarrassment the first time you showed true affection to me on open ground. It was the delightful kisses we shared in the hallway, as people we knew pass us by, not having a care in the world. It was was only the hope of seeing you that prompted me to get up in the morning, to be a better person. It was the pain I felt each time you were miserable and the happiness when your sun shined. It was the inspiration I felt each time I was around you that expanded my mind and soul. It is the bittersweetness I felt each minute I was without you. The nights spent home alone with only my laughter to comfort me. It is when time became precious and sparce that broke my heart into a thousands pieces. It was the broken promises and fading dreams that taught me reality, as much as it tore me apart.

Stupidity and Loneliness become her: She cries in the night, alone. She believes one thing with her life, only to realize this fact is fiction. Betrayed by her own thoughts and dreams she lies bathing in her own filth. Her sobs echo in the open space. She feels so invaded, cacooned in shame. Her body feels hollow, like the night sky when the stars try to shine behind the fog. Tissues surround her small body, the empty box sits at her side. She feels like spun wool- spinning and spinning, trying to hold on by her finger nails. Her vision clouds and sputters turning the world grey. Questions, thoughts and memories fill her mind, never giving her peace. Tired pain creates a hole in her heart as she searches frantically for something to fill it with. Drawers containing bottles and past experiences appear before her eyes, tempting her. She shuts the drawer quickly with shaking hands, terrified. She crawls on hands and knees back to her place in the corner, still warm from her hot tears. After a few moments the door opens and arms are quickly around her shaking shoulders. There are white flowers now beside her, their scent filling her nostrils with sweet thoughts of new life. They are beautiful. Her fingers loosen their grip on the rug as she allows the stranger's arms wrap themselves around her broken form. Suddenly she feels safe and calm, like clouds parting for the sun after the rain. New tears flow from her dark eyes, tears she cannot explain. Exhausted she lies down for a sleepless slumber, the tears drying on her cheeks. The stranger never leaves her... Never leaves her.


I have several 'quirks' (if thats what you call them) that make up who I am. I will list some of them for those who don't know me: 1. I get crazy-weird-almost-drunk when I'm very tired 2. I have an amazing devoted love for 80's music 3. I have this fasination with collecting pointless shit...such as movie stubs (I have like...150 or so) 4. I seriously think I have more than one personality...and it's not funny. 5. I tend to wave to strangers... Crissy doesn't like it... WHO CARES?! I'M A NICE PERSON IS ALL! But anyways...I can't really think right now cause I'm tired but I will update...later.

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