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Goat Monger!

January 1, 2004

Site is done. Finally. Now for that content thing.

30th December:

for your enjoyment....


[ 666 visitors ]


I made a flash turtle! It is pretty!!!
clicky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> turtle

Oh Goaty goat.

Is there more to life than coffee, video games, and indie music? No, I don't think so. So why do I see so many other things around me. So many incredibly stupid things? And I came up with an answer. It must be those darn Republicans.

So I began to think. Ouch. Why don't I make a website. A website that will offend Republicans, or even Democrats everywhere?

Then this got me thinking. Again. Do I really even dislike Democrats or Republicans? No.

So why am I even talking or thinking anyway? Because I can. Muahahhaha.

Fo Sho