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   The cult of the '55 Chevy
Please don't stop here there is more below
"Vampire Woman is a very slightly modified 1955 Chevy Bel Air Sedan.
She is not some pretty little show car that spends most of her time in a velvet bag !  She is on the road every week ALL year Round !!
Her web page has links and tips for keeping Classic Chevys on the road.

The War on drugs

Some things have to be said !!
The drug war does not reduce drug use.
Choosing to wage a 'war' on drugs stimulates a violent, underground economy, an economy which would collapse if drug prohibition ended.
Our country, and our world should be safer, not simply less free.
Our Country is the CHAMPION of the world -
On imprisoning its own population
Please, for the sake of our Children, Grandchildren and Country spend a few minutes at the following links


What do we get from this war on drugs ?
It costs more than just dollars
It has corrupted our law enforcement
BUT - Not all of them - COPS against the drug war
We now have two standards of Justice
Our President has NO MORAL right to be " tough on drugs " !!
Our Attorney General has NO moral right Either !!
Conservative and Religious Leaders are condemning the
Drug War
"It's not a war on drugs; it's a war on Americans!"
Ever wonder what started the "drug law" Bandwagon ?
{ Warning ! this link may be offensive to some people - NONE is intended }
{ The author or our Drug laws was a pretty offensive guy }
News from the Front in the War on Drugs
"When the people fear the government you have tyranny...
   when the government fears the people you have liberty."
--Thomas Jefferson
Stop Prisoner rape
It is a SAD and Sick commentary that this organization has to exist
It exists HERE - NOT in Red China, North Korea or Iraq




The Story of James Trimble - DARE instructor
( Old news from 1995 but still interesting )

From The Dark Alliance:
Let's be clear:
There is not now, nor has there ever been, a "War on Drugs."
What there is is a cynical program of political duplicity; the intent of which is not to prevent drug abuse ( which it encourages ),  but to create a climate of distrust,  fear, hostility,  alienation,  divisiveness,  and violence within our society. The so called "War on Drugs" is in reality a war of cultural prejudice  waged primarily against the young,  the poor,  the non-white and the socially disaffected to the advantage of the Elected, the Corporate, the
Privileged and the Few.
From the Author of this Web site ( a retired steelworker and rural farmer ):
The drug war will never end untill the majority of the America wakes up to it and fights back.  It can never succeed - it is not designed to.
The choice is yours:
March your children off to prison like obedient little Nazis
get involved and get government out of all our personal business

I welcone all e-mail comments, criticisms, smart remarks and even threats.   I NEVER give out the e-mail address of anyone else or even contact them unless they specifically permit it.