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10 bad ass bands that you MUST check out
these are bands that have kept me enveloped in a fuzzy blanket of ever changing tempos and sound for the past while, and I would like to share some of my favorites.


Hey look, its Nirvana.

2. Rumah Sakit

One of my favorite bands at the moment, these guys are friggin genious. The way they harmonize perfectly with each other (guitar, 'nother guitar, drums, bass), is just amazing. It has very math rocky/jazzy beats and structures, but theres this underlying sense of sheer angst and rock n' roll that gets released in most of the songs I've heard. Goooood stuff.

3. Thingy

These guys hail from San Diego. they are a four piece band, with a guitarist/singer, a lady singer, a bass player, and a drummer. Theyre music is very melodious, almost sleepy, but played in a very pixie-esq way. The vocals in the track have these obscenely beautiful harmonies, that are addictive to listen to, and the music is very fluid, pillowy, and even fast at times. A great band if your into pixies, or nirvana etc.

4. Of Montreal

ha, this band is friggin awesome. It's one of those happy acid trips the hippies are always talking about. This band takes an open mind to get into. Their music is very very not depressing (depressing, being what most bands thrive off of), which is actually a very refreshing thing. No I am not gay.

5. Anal Cunt

the EXACT opposite of Of Montreal. This band is so anti, and so angry, its just friggin hilarious. They are basically a two piece thrash band, that make fun of almost ANYTHING you can possibly think of. With songs like titled "Hitler Was a Sensitive Man", "I sent a Thank You Card to the Guy That Raped You", and "I snuch a retard Into the Sperm Bank", they're a sure fire listen.

6. At the Drive-In

Another one of those "indie gone radio" bands (ie Nirvana), these guys kick fuckin ass. I swear, their live shows are something that I kick myself in the ass nightly for not being able to see. Their music is like a strange mixture between Fugazi, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, and other bands with the tension to release feel to them. Of course the bastards had to break up. No At the Drive-In Shows for me, no sir, I gotta stick to the crappy video of chanbara I have saved on my computer. Oh well.

7. Melt Banana

A very good band from Japan, which kinda sounds like a mix between Anal Cunt and Sonic Youth. They have just enough speed and anger to be Thrash, and enough thought and Strange sounds/beats to be labeled as one of those artsy noise bands. My friend Jud says the lead singer lady sounds like a yelping dog. Well I say poobar.

8. Minor Threat and the Bad Brains

I feel bad that these two bands had to share the same spot, but I wouldn't have enough room otherwise. Minor Threat is an old hardcore band from DC, which was fronted by the great great straight-edge guy Mr. Ian Mckaye. Their music was blistering fast, and the drummer looks scary. The Bad Brains on the other hand, were Marijuanna smoking rastafarians that not only played really good old hardcore sounds, but also some of the best reggae I've heard. Big props for them, considering they were one of the only all black punk bands (well, THEE only) I've heard.

9. the Pixies

I'll admit it, I didn't hear about the Pixies till Kurt Cobain (of Nirvana) started preaching about how great they were, and how they greatly influenced him. I can completely see how they could have influenced him. From song structures, to the punk/rock n' roll slacker indie sound they both produce, to the Emulation (on Kurt's part) of Frank Black's(lead guy of the Pixies) voice. Carabou, Where is My Mind, Hangwire, and Crackity Jones, are just a few of the goods that the Pixies dished out (they broke up a while ago of course).

10. Four Hundred Years

This band kicks soooo much ass. I've only heard about 4 songs from this band, but their song "Transmit Failure" is my favoritest song in the whole friggin world right now. If I could get my grubby little hands on one of their albums, I'd put them up higher on the list. Till then, they're at number 10.

other bands that deserved to be on the list, but since I'm to lazy, they're going here:
El guapo
Get Hustle
My Lai
White Stripes
Heavy Vegetable
Atari teenage Riot
the Germs
Wasted Youth
the Dead Milkmen
Red Cross
Operation Ivy
Engine Down 
Theres a few more, But laziness prevents me from jotting them all down.

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