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This is THEE place to go for new and interesting music. This is where I found out about bands like Thingy, P.E.E., etc. you HAVE to go here.

The WhirlPool

translation news and patches for japanese video games. dig it.

Home of the the Underdogs

this is the best place to go for all your abandonware (old games you can download) needs.

Gone Gold

a good site for checking out what new Computer games are coming out

8-Bit Theatre

This is a weekly updated comic strip using sprites and other graphics from the first Final Fantasy game (and also a few from other earlier final fantasy games). It is the shit.


This online comic strip is also the shit. It uses graphics from various old nintendo games, and its friggin hilarious. Go here noooow.

The Japanese Page

this place is great for anyone that wants to learn japanese. I go here a lot.