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atari 2600

this little wonder is the atari 2600. Many a good games came out for this long forgotten system, including my personal favorite, Spider Fighter. The downloads only around 500 kbs, and it comes packed with 70 games, so you shouldn't really have to much of a problem on any connection. the emulator is called Stella, which was released by a person named Bradford W. Mott. You can visit his website at Its neato.

plays much better than it looks

Ancient Domains of Mystery

yes, it's an ascii game. I know what your thinking, "oh gawd, this game looks aweful", but before you pass judgement on looks, at least download this game and try it out first. If your at all a fan of role playing computer games, then you will quickly obsess over this game for a good while. The depth of this game is just insane (theres a button for wiping your face), as you'll be using up most of the keys on your keyboard, plus their capslocks, so make sure to read the read me that comes with it. Oh yeah, to save space, I just made a link to Thomas Biskup's site, the creator of this awesome fuckin game. make sure to send him a post card.

heh heh, he looks fuuunny

Walden - by Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau is my friggin hero. He was a hippy living in the 1800's. He traveled out into the woods, and lived there for 4 years, and wrote a book on all his experiences. The book is filled with very vivid descriptions on his stay in walden, and even includes his famous essay "civil disobedience" which is really just about rising up and speaking out against our government. Henry held many ideas that didn't seep into the masses until the 1960's, making him literally almost 100 years ahead of his time. Keep in mind though that you are going to need microsoft reader in order to read this. but trust me, its worth it.

Rob Crow


here is an mp3 of the song "Plenty" by the great band Thingy, whom hail from San Diego. You'll find this band among my top 10 favorite bands, on the neat bands page. "Plenty" starts out very murky, then all of a sudden breaks out into a very uplifting outburst, and then slows down into somewhat of a chant. If you like this song, be sure to check out 2 more mp3s and a really good live video performed at the Bottom of the Hill in San Francisco, at, where you can also purchase their albums.

Earthbound (rom for snes)


this is a rom for one of the greatest games of all time, Earthbound for the snes. To play this game, make sure you have an emulator, preferebly zsnes or snes9X. You can find them in search engines. If you know what Earthbound is all about, make sure to click on the little banner ad at the bottom of the page. It is a petition to bring the Earthbound sequal to a new console.


At the Drive-In - Chanbara (live video, need quicktime)

This is At the Drive-in performing a show at ummm, I have no idea where, but its really fuckin good. The energy they put off is just amazing. This is a must download if your into release. Now that they broke up, this is the only way of being able to experience one of their live shows. Oh yeah, and notice the scream right before the choruses, its a small thing, but it adds so much.

Four Hundred Years - Transmit Failure

Four Hundred Years as quoted from Lovitt Records website: "Four Hundred Years were not merely a band, but a phenomenon. A force of emo/hardcore intensity that began in Tucson, Arizona, following the end of Groundwork, they eventually migrated to Richmond, Virginia. Four Hundred Years amassed a large, frenzied, and rabid audience. Intelligent and intricate with a perfect blend of melody and dissonance in all the right places, Four Hundred Years had unparalleled abilities to captivate their listeners and turn them loose on an unsuspecting music world. Alternative Press noted, "Combined with the weight of their political views, the tension of Four Hundred Years' music is simultaneously a catharsis and a call to arms." so, umm, yeah, get this mp3. This song is good stuff.

Beatmania Emulator for the PC

Beatmania. Dig it. this is the greatest hand eye coordination game of all time, and now its FREE!! This link will take you directly to a place where you can get the emulator to play. Bur your gonna need songs to download. So to get songs, make sure to go to the bm98 bbs forum place, which you can go to from that page. Oh, keep in mind that most of the links pages that have beatmania songs are japanese, so be prepared to find a translation page like, If you don't know how to read Japanese. the forums themselves offer a variety of topics on the game, And the people that frequent the forums are usually very nice, and helpful if you have problems with the game. I highly recommend finding songs to old familiar video games. You'd be surprised at well you'd do. Like the Bubble Bobble, Mario Bros., Final Fantasy songs I've found. I personally did surpisingly well my first time at those games, mainly because I knew the tunes beforehand. For all you music lovers, this is a muuuust download.