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1993 Middle East Peace Accord Counterstamped Silver Dollar

Whilst the Peace Accord between the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and Israel disintegrated after a Zionist extremist assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Rabin on 4 November 1995, the above coin is an interesting commemorative of the accord, and encouragement for a future peace.

The host coin is a United States "Peace" silver dollar issued after the Great War (World War I) counterstamped with a special punch dated 1993.

50 of these were issued in Norway, and presented to, among others:

Johan Jørgen Holst (the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Terje Rød-Larsen (architect of the agreement)
Mona Juul (architect of the agreement)
Jan Egeland
Yitzhak Rabin (Israeli prime minister)
William Jefferson Clinton (US president)
Yasser Arafat (chairman of the Palestinian Authority)
Sheik Yassin (head of Hamas)
Mahmoud Abbas (architect of the agreement)
Ehud Barak (Israeli Chief of the IDF)
Yossi Beilin (architect of the agreement)
Ron Pundak (architect of the agreement)
Shimon Peres (architect of the agreement)

A few undistributed pieces appeared on the auction market in the late 1990s after the dissolution of the host organisation. They are very rare, and while some sold at auction for as much as 1500 euros, a few have sold around 2005-2006 on eBay, mostly from an American coin dealer who obtained about eight pieces from a Christie's New York auction. These brought lower prices, averaging about $500 to $750. This group has since been dispersed, mostly to collectors in Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Page created 21 June 2002 by Ørjan Martinsen
Updated 20 December 2007