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CHSR FM Battle of the Bands
Chestnut Club March 23, 2002

Last weekend, the third annual "Battle of the Bands" was held at The Chestnut Pub on York Street. The event, which is part of U.N.B Radio Station CHSR's fund-raising activities, offered 15 groups from around the area a chance to compete for prizes that included gift certificates from Hug a Guitar on Main St and Music Stop in Moncton. However, it was the grand prize that most were interested in, which was an all expenses payed trip to play at the Battle of the Bands in Halifax and a chance to get signed to a indie label. The show kicked off sharply at 6pm with the metal band Darckide from Saint John. Throughout the evening the performances featured everything from punk to alternative, along with metal and even some rap. For most bands it was a rare chance to play in front of a large audience in a club environment. Music fans who came out to the show were treated to lots of young talent, with profits raised going to the campus station, which is much needed, considering they are no longer funded by the Student Union.

Linda Pelletier, who is in charge of Development and Promotions at the radio station said overall the event was a huge success. "I think it went rather well actually," Pelletier stated. "Everything was on time and the bands were amazing." At the end of the night when the votes were tallied up, the wining band was The Greg Harrison Experiment. A young local funk, R'& B style band. "We were completely surprised by the win," said the bands guitarist James Doyle excitedly after hearing the news his band had won. "I didn't think we were going to claim first. There was a lot of bands here. It was hard to call as there was a lot different styles of music." The win was quite a feat for a band who have only been togther since August of last year and who's average age is only 17.

In fact after their performance, they were asked to leave the bar and wait by the back door for the winners to be announced. Fredericton favorites Morahambi came in second. They were happy to hear news of their win, but had a different take on the whole event. "Music is not really about winning or losing but about art," said the bands vocalist Pat Pelletier who performed with his chest pained. "If I was playing hockey it would be different. But with music it's all subjective, then again second place is great for me as I get to buy a microphone." Third place winners were the energetic alternative band Not Yet Dead, who impressed both judges and those in attendance with their high energy stage show.

Some of the other bands that drew a strong audience reaction was , Pimp T and the Funky Punk, who got extra points for originality and costume design, Monday Conspiracy from Woodstock, Next of Seven, dasradio, Darkcide, Breathe, from Toronto, Drop D, Zero Gravity, Lowdown, The Bruces, Slaughter of Saints and Scapegoatz. Special thanks go out to Tony Stonham from Maritime Light and Sounds for doing a great job on the production, MC Sarah McAdam and to all the volunteers, judges and sponsors


Photos: Morahambi, Pimp T, Greg Harrison Experiment, Slaughter of Saints, Darkcide.

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