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April Wine - Fredericton, NB -Chestnut Club

JUNE 29, 2002.

Brian and Myles

Performing I like to Rock

Myles and Jim

Brian Greenway

Jerry and fans after the show

After 30 years as a recording unit, Canadian rock band April Wine proves that there is no age barrier for talent and energy. Last weekend the group played to a small but boisterous crowd at the Chestnut Pub and from the moment the band hit the stage, with bass player Jim Clench singing the classic 70's hit Oowhatanite, the pace never slowed down. The Chestnut show was a last minute booking when a outdoor rock festival scheduled for Rexton, NB got canceled. The four-member group steadily ran though such classics as Roller, I Like to Rock, Before the Dawn, Weeping Widow, Tonight is a Wonderful Time to Fall in Love and a host of other hits.

April Wine was originally formed in Halifax in the late 60's by founding member Myles Goodwyn. who was born in Woodstock, NB.

The group later relocated to Montreal but have always included stops in Atlantic Canada on their tour schedule. From the late 70's to mid 80's April Wine was a major concert draw throughout the country. Today, like most bands from that era, the big arena shows and the gold and platinum albums are a thing of the past and the band members have to be content to play the clubs and summer rock festivals, however none of their on-stage enthusiasm is lost in the smaller venues.

Last year the group released a new studio album, their first in seven years titled Back to the Mansion. The group also maintains a busy touring schedule that would tire a lot of musicians half their age. While talking to guitarist Brian Greenway recently, he said about their music "April Wine doesn't present a message other than, hey lets have fun." he says. "People who heard and saw our music, they grew up with it. It represented a time in their life when they did this and they did that. It's a fawn memory and I think that's what keeps us alive, the fawn memories of our music within their lives."

Drummer Jerry Mercer said the early days for the band were never easy. "We were drawing about seventy five bucks per week and all traveling in a station wagon loaded to the roof back then, so I've been to both ends of the scale," Mercer says. "We traveled in lear jets and limos. We've done it all from the beginnings to the end. Now we're in a different faze of our career and I'm just very thankful there are enough fans out there who still love us and support us". The group traveled to Saint John on Sunday to perform with Trooper and Honeymoon Suite before returning to Quebec and Ontario for several more shows on their current summer tour.

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