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X circa 1991 X: ""
click perseus link.
Has extra help for latin, dictionary, terms
-beware of mistakes
-latin texts available with translations at times,the
Translations not fully correct.
-Link for "tools"
Click dictionary- this is how to find the word, change the link to latin
Looks like normal dictionary on the.
-For words with endings use "Morphological analysis"

X circa 1991 X: ""
click perseus link.
Has extra help for latin, dictionary, terms
-beware of mistakes
-latin texts available with translations at times,the
Translations not fully correct.
-Link for "tools"
Click dictionary- this is how to find the word, change the link to latin
Looks like normal dictionary on the.
-For words with endings use "Morphological analysis"

X circa 1991 X: thats what you needed more or less no?
failed to awaken: yeah, thanks a lot
X circa 1991 X signed off at 9:52:25 PM.
X circa 1991 X signed on at 9:53:18 PM.