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The Lattergast Hall Symphony

"Sir, you do not know the sound of the Lattergast Hall Symphony"
And I, to refute his words, said, "What you know knows none of me"
Call for the high road once again! Come the day of judgment
Where will you be, my friend?

I know a whole lot more of nothin' than the next guy
What he don't know won't hurt him, it'd be best just let him be
And I know that two and two make more than five, and sometimes
I know a bird in hand would feel better in a tree

I seen, for many days, the sun refuse to brighten up
Too many years had dawned on me to let this one go by
And I seen technology on a deluxe 12" TV screen
Rememberin' once I met a man I seen on channel 3

Oh, for a time, remember when
A warm summer's night, up late again
There was magic in the air, you could feel it everywhere
Couldn't see it, hear it, prove it...but it was there

I know the songs of birds sound different on a Tuesday
Than any other day except the third day of the week
And I know that sleeping 'neath a ray of golden sunshine
Is where he's at, my kitty cat, most each day of the week

I seen how life can change and rearrange, yet day to day
I seen how noone listens or is bright enough to care
When I see the sunny day when everyone would lighten up
I'll set back down in my good ole' chair, and then I'll drink a beer

Oh, for a time, remember when
A warm summer's night, up late again
There was magic in the air, you could feel it everywhere
Couldn't' see it, hear it, prove it...but it was there

Yes, and I know the sound
Of the lattergast Hall Symphony
The weeping violins find solace it the lonely song
A cello sings, the woodwinds bring the chorus in
Like a storm slowly rising, the thunder like a timpani
Ah! How I love the symphony

Call for the high road once again
Come the day of judgment
Where will you be, my friend?