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Spin it!

Which TaleSpin character are you?

1. You are:

2. You prefer to live in:
A houseboat
A ritzy apartment uptown
A wrecked boat on a tropical island
Anywhere... as long as there are lots of toys
Your luxurious office so you're never far from work
An airship
A business by the piers... sure beats that air ship

3. Your favorite hobby is:
Fixing things...even if they were never broken to begin with
Coming up with get-rich-quick schemes
Doing absolutely nothing...but if I have to be doing something I'd rather fly
Being a nuisance
Fencing and plundering; plundering and fencing...
Surfing...any kind

4. When you're near the Sea Duck you get the uncontrollable urge to:
Kiss the hull and say, "Miss me, baby?"
Take it apart and repair it repeatedly
Hang frilly curtains in the windows
Tie a rope around your waist and be dragged behind it
Hide in the cargo hold
Peek at the gas gauge when estimating the number of miles to Macadamia
Award its pilot a trophy for 'Best Pilot in the World'
Loot it, of course!

5. So, how do you feel about money?
Money is my life... when I can actually make money from my business
I work when I have to and no more... but I'll take as much as I can get!
I don't really care as long as I get those nuts I paid for
I don't worry about it as long as the Frosty Pep is plentiful
Given that it brings is the be all, end all reason for my existence
Well, money is fun to steal...
Most of the time I don't worry about it unless some sleazy crackpot offers me fame and fortune

6. You prefer to wear:
$6,000 business suits
Loud Hawaiian shirts
A baseball cap worn backwards
Mostly pink and purple
Dashing blue coats and a sword
Anything that holds grease well
Overalls and frills

7. You tend to be attracted to:
Smooth-talking con artists and dead guys
Girls who play pool in cowboy boots
Shrill, redheaded archaeologists yet you're fighting an attraction to your boss
Macadamian princesses who are impressed by your magic tricks
Money and power
Exotic creatures that grow when wet
Your own reflection, yes-no?
Anything having to do with planes or surfing

8. You do not like:
That estupido pilot
Flying schools that don't let you fly
People who try to take Cara---or your mommy
Slobs around you
Not being able to find a bathroom...

9. When you get mad, you:
Kick people's shins
Run away to join an air circus
Scream at your employee and make him wear an alarm clock around his neck
Rake your desk with your claws
Threaten to hang people by their pinkies
Punch a person in the face if they call you 'defective and defunct'
Booby trap your business
Usually don't get mad unless someone is especially mean

10. Your best ideas involve:
Gigantic hogs
Impersonating a psychic
Snow and imagination (with a capital E)
Cornering markets
Drama and swordplay
Adopting a parrot who knows the way to hidden treasure

11. When it comes to money, you:
Lose it as soon as you get it
Spend an obscene amount on paperweights
Add your pennies to the ransom
Work for $100 and then give it away to your friend so he can buy a record
Open your purse and moths fly out
Plunder it
The closest you've ever come to money is the time you impersonated a billionaire
Let your mom handle the finances

12. When confronted by Air Pirates in the sky, you:
Ummmm, what does it say in the manual?
Don't worry about it---you'll lose 'em in the clouds
Wave hi to them and giggle sweetly
You are an Air Pirate!
Have your finest pilots on're always prepared for battle
Let the pilot worry about it and go back to practicing your card tricks
Dazzle them with an amazing display of aeronautic feats and leave 'em in the dust
Make a secret anti-pirate weapon... the only problem is that it's fake

13. Above all, you fear:
Poverty and failure
Aunt Louise!!!
Home wreckers
Ummm... can't really think of anything I'm afraid of.
Being treated like a kid

14. Your dream is to:
Become a legend and buy back the Sea Duck...again
Conquer Cape Suzette and replenish your supply of 'knickety-knacks'
Achieve total and complete world domination
Become a pilot
Catch a star
Get the girl and keep your island
Have more money than you could count in a lifetime
Meet the Snow Duck

15. Your biggest mistake is probably the time you:
Made an open-ended promise to a dim-witted pilot
Judged by appearances and almost lost the deed to your plane
Got glued to the fat bear
Got shrunk
Tried to fly a plane (twice) without knowing how
Unknowingly sicced a pack of pyrotechnic pandas on an invasion of Cape Suzette
Snuck a ride to Thembria with your boss' kid and got imprisoned for playing in the snow
Agreed to help your friends open a pizza business despite your inability to keep the health inspector at bay

16. The three terms that best describe you are:
Clever, quick, stubborn
Lazy, loyal, talented
Romantic, dashing, not crazy...maybe
Intelligent, ambitious, loud
Reserved, cold, dangerous
Sweet, strange, oblivious
Devious, sacharrine, bubbly
Classy, fun-loving, faithful

This website and its content is © Charlene Fleming 2003 unless stated otherwise. Works contained herein
may not be reproduced or distributed in any way without the express written consent of the author.