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You know what..... This page is really kinda pointless. It's just posters of different shows...oh well.. We're playing in Fort McMurray on December 20th. Last show of 2003. Check it out. It's with Profane and Death Toll Rising.

We're FOREBODE.......not FORBODE...dammit. oh well..

This show was cool. Boba and Profane did a kickass job and the crowd was pretty energetic.

Small club, Huge sound...This show fucking rocked!

The third band Quanca...which was actually Quanta (like we're actually Forebode..not Forbode) changed their name to Thread before the show.

The Interplay 2000 poster.

The Noise 2K poster. We played with Crooked, Random Sample, Joe's choice, Yeast Infection, and 3Skin

This our Interplay '99 poster.

This is old...This gig was played before Mitchell and Cochrane joined the band. At the bottom of the picture is reads "plus a special band!!!"....It was Mitchell's band ScapaFlow...and yeah...they were special all right...

This is another poster of the same gig... i don't know why i even bothered putting this one here....whatever

I WANNA RIOT!!! School gigs rule.



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