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!!!It's test time!!!

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A Dark Alleyway

Free the West Memphis 3

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Yeah, I Know, motherfucking myspace,

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iPod Heaven

FiRe FaIrY’s FuN pAgE


--{--@ I know this will probably never be read because no one come to this page but, what the hell. Anyway, I am 19 years of age, of the feminine persuasion, and am fairly unstable, but in a good way. Im going to college and for some reason im going into interior design.

Okay, A little about the site. it had some purpose at one point in time, but now it has none. its links to things which are much more interesting then this, so go to those please. besides that, admire the pretty colors and disconnect from the internet soon because if youve found your way to this site, you have been on the net for far to long, just like me. Bye-bye @--}--

Who are you?

hi, this is my crappy ass site, stop looking at it, now.

i am...<br> <img src=""><br> i am homework batman. i represent the collective contempt and hatred for homework of the entire universe... <p> <a href="">clicky clicky to find out which batman you are... (test by kathleen)<p>
