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the rantings of an insane teen
Sunday, 10 August 2003
i cant believe he's really gone
hes gone. he's really gone. maybe i'll never see him again. i can't believe it. it doesn't seem like he can really be gone. i kept hugging him, which was nice, but every time i hugged him i started crying again because its the last day i'll be able to hug him.i cant believe it. its only been like 3 hours, and i already miss him so much. what if i never see him again? what if he dies? its a possibilty where he lives. i never had the guts to tell him i loved him. why does life have to suck so much. here's my advice-love isn't worth the broken heart you get at the end

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 6:50 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 August 2003

hello. just for anyone who doesn't know, love sucks, friend is just another word for mutineer, and if you give life half a chance, it will burn away your soul. this is all i have to say, this is all you need to know.

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 8:41 PM EDT
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Saturday, 26 July 2003

wow, i haven't written in a long time. yeah, so the two most major tings that happened over the past week were that i have a crush on one of the guys from palestine, and that i got bad news on the field hockey front. this year, they chose to start making cuts on the team. im really nervous, i don't think i'll make it since i'm a freshman and also not one of the better freshman. worrying, worrying. also, ive only done half the outfits for the fashion show, and its in less than a week. i should work on the next piece. im hungry and tired. i must leave, adios.

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 5:20 PM EDT
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Sunday, 20 July 2003
death by camp
hey. i had this like freaky barbecue thing for camp today. it was fun, i now have like a group of six friends which is pretty much all the girls there, and i'm planning to befriend the palestinian boys tomorrow because they are my age and all the guys there seem really scary and dweeby. so, my friend kelly is doing camp, and also my friend kim. then a vague aquantance, marie, a girl from new york, leslie, a slightly annoying girl, ashley, and a little 12 year old, icantrememberhername.they're all cool. its gonna kick ass. im also starting field hockey camp with molls tomorrow. that will be great, hours of hitting things with my homey.allie's home, and shes coming over tomorrow night. we are going to a showing of CoS, then (she doesn't know it yet) we are going to write the first chapter of our oh-so-sexy fic. hehehehehehehe i am hyper and i wrote a really long entry no one would ever want to read. im going to go bounce around and sing with the happy bunnies now, byebye.

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 6:54 PM EDT
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Thursday, 17 July 2003

ohmygodohmygodohmygod! someone died really close to my house, at the school playground i used to play on every day, and the word around town is it was murder. the police havent disclosed the cause of death yet. eeee! im stupid to be worried, but i cant help it. eeeeeeee! i do not want to be in my house right now. i live in a tiny podunk town where nothing happens. this is not supposed to happen. eeee! okay, im done, i shall go distract myself.

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 1:39 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 16 July 2003

damn those grumpy grey clouds full of watery stuff. my game was canceled today, or at least i assume it was cancelled. i wouldn't want to be outside in a tank top and shorts sprinting around right now.i read two books today. anna of byzantium was the first, it was good. it had no real happy ending, her life still sucked at the end. gotta love any book with the guts to be a downer, right? then i read...oh, i cant remember the title, but it was about this girl whose indian grandparents move in with her and mess up her life. no one has called me today. its sort of refreshing, but then again i feel a bit unloved. i really must work on the fashion show, i'm such a slacker *blushes*. however, im planning to read more. im so stupid, i read all vacation. but i find it fun. i'm going to go write some fanfic, or read some, or scream in the corner until someone actually cares what i say. in which case, someone check my basement for my dead body in the morning please. adios.

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 5:27 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 July 2003

i just saw pirates of the carribean, and i think everyone should see it. orlando bloom is the hottest man alive. do not argue, in your heart, you know its true. i want my friends to stop being at camp, it puts a major crimp in my social life, and insted of doing anything useful, ive just been sitting watching dawsons creek. im going to go force myself to write something. anything. a ficlet about harry clog dancing would even be okay. i simply must break my monotony.adios.

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 6:13 PM EDT
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Sunday, 13 July 2003

MAGGIE'S BACK! MAGGIE'S BACK! MAGGIE'S BACK! MAGGIE'S BACK! MAGGIE'S BACK! MAGGIE'S BACK! MAGGIE'S BACK! i'm soooooooooo excited. i havent seen her in a whole year! i hope i can do something with her soon. i'm so bogged down with work right now. i have tons to do for the fashion show, i started a novel last night, i have various fanfictons in the works, i have to practice guitar,i have to practice some f.h. and i have to have fun and see all my friends. oy, vacations are stressful!!!!!! hopefully i can get everything done. i gotta go try to get in touch with Maggie. yay!

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 3:48 PM EDT
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Friday, 11 July 2003

hey, i finnished my striped shirt. it came out cute, sort of eighties, but more classy. i tried go see pirates of the carribean, but it was sold out!i went to bookland instead. there was the cutest notebook there. it said bonbon on it, and had a little girl with a black and white dress that you could turn and change the pattern. if i could afford to pay $10 for a notebook, it would be mine. so, now i'm going to go try to write something, or maybe get some dinner, not sure which comes first yet

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 6:28 PM EDT
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Thursday, 10 July 2003

hey. i tied my game yesterday: 1-1. it was a really good game, if we'd pushed a little harder i think we could have won. im excited,i might be colaberating (wow, that looks like its spelled wrong) on this really great fanfiction. today, i have to focus on getting some pieces ready for the fashion show. i think today, i'll do the black shirt with the striped sleeves, and maybe the pinstripe tube top.i gotta go, so much time so little to do!

Posted by indie/fhockeychick at 2:12 PM EDT
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