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When she said don't worry, and you'll be fine. It's only a matter, a matter of time. As she sits back and finishes her wine. She prays to the lord I'll be fine.

Me / /

My name is Miranda. I am fifteen years old. Born the seventeenth of June, 1988. I attend Hill Park Secondary school, in Hamilton Ontario. I am single, I recently got out of a long-term relationship, so I am not really looking right now, but you never know. I live in a small, steel town, by the name of Hamilton. It is in Ontario Canada. I am a very unique person. I am a very random person. I am interested in criminolgy, art, photography, and Anime. I think I am a good person. I have been told I am. I am that kid in the back of the class room, falling asleep in her Manga, and when she awakes, she has strange lines in her face, that all the other kids snicker at. I am also that kid sitting in the back of the science class, always fiddling around with chemicals and hazardous materials. The kid in every science, and art, club in the school. Im the kid that like obscure Japanese horror films, and Random shows. I tend to keep to myself alot. I have friends, dont get me wrong, but there are few of them, but I love them. 1337 |-|4><0r.

My sign / /

Gemini is an Air sign. There are two sides to your personality, as indicated by the twins of gemini. You are an excellent communicator, being clever with words and always able to get your point across eloquently. You are an independant being, you do not like to rely on others for happiness or wellbeing and you are always changing because you find that you bore of things and situations easilly.

My heart / /

I am sadly now single. The end. I have come to terms with it. I now realize that this was ment to be... I guess. But the thought of being single still scares me.

My friends / /

I have many friends, some of then not so close, others very. They include such people as; Jenni, Kitty, Omar, Anthony, Chris, Kyra, and most of the time Ashley & lisa. Out side my little group, I have soo many. they aren't necessarly as dear to me as the others but hey. There is; Amanda (aka, mana!) Lisa, Cherie, Jilian, Cheyanne, Alyssa, Kirstie, Melissa, and sooo many others. Breef descriptions will probably come soon, but not right now. I have many other friends. They range from bands to just random people. Some of the bands I know are; AED, Alexisonfire, X-Aust, Joyride, Swiss Army Project, and a few more. :)

My music / /

Some of the music that I listen to: Rammstein . Busdriver . Bright Eyes . David Bowie . S.T.U.N . Rancid . Casualties . Gwar . The Clash . Sublime . Ramones . Atom and his package . AED . KOMPRESSOR . C.K.Y .

The journal you are about to read / /

This journal is Friends only Mostly because I want to know who is reading my personal thoughts and actions. Just because you are on my friends list, dosen't mean I am going to check your journal everyday, and comment every damn second. This journal is for me to write down MY thoughts. I'm not asking you to like what my journal says. I could care less if you dont agree with me. You are free to take me off your friends list, just dont be suprised If I do the same. If you have made anything for me, and I have not credited you, please feel free to comment and tell me to do so. I am a maker and know what that Is like. so please do tell me.AND IF YOU EVER ACCUSE ME OF STEALING, DONT PASTE IT ALL OVER THE FUCKING INTERNET THEN TELL ME ABOUT IT! MAKE SURE I GET THE FUCKING COMMENT FIRST.

My journal rules / /

I dont have many rules. Just a few simple ones. - Comment, then add me. - Tell me your name, so I am not stuck calling you by your username. And that's about it. I dont really care about grammar, and shit like that. I can decifer what you are saying. 1337 n00b.

My colour / /

My colour is blue. 12% of the general population is blue. Style :: Catalyst (makes things happen). Goal :: Identity and finding meaning in life. Biggest Stressor :: Guilt. Blue persons have a remarkable latitude in career choices and they succeed in many fields. They are imaginative, enthusiastic, and can do almost anything which is of intrest to them. At work, they are at ease with colleagues, and others enjoy their presence. They are highly creative in dealing with people and are outstanding at inspiring group spirit and getting people together. Blues are likely to lose intrest in their jobs once people or projects become routine. They prefer a family-like, friendly, personalized, and warm work environment. They dislike jobs which require painstaking detail and follow-through over a period of time. They prefer people-oriented careers and job opportunities which allow creativity and variety in day-to-day operations. Their personality tratis include: Warm, enthusiastic, caring, flexible, sincere, imaginative, creative, intuitive, appreciative, idealistic, spiritual, humanistic, peaceful, sympathetic, nurturing, romantic, poetic, sensitive, emotional, self-searching, authentic, empathic. They value: Harmony, teamwork, creativity, warm and genuine uman contact, Interpersonal, communication, individuality, Understanding others and being understood, Democracy, personal growth, self esteem. Yup, that's me! ^_^

My contact / /

MSN - Mecrazy50 E-MAIL -

My layout / /

My current layout features a theme inspired by Emogame.

Credits / /

Icons: # 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 = drunk_girl # 09 = goodcharlotte24 (deadjournal) # 23 = Freakobsessions # 24 & 30 = Jenni (id like to note, [# 24] is her FIRST *animated* icon made EVER) # 28 = Black_Wings_ # 29 = ecp13086

Extras / /

<3 ya kit-kat JOIN: