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<18TO49>: Target Market<18TO49>: Target Market

Increase my bust size. Guaranteed!

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34-60. 45-75. 75+. These are all fine demographics, but not well-suited for what this group of youngsters had in mind. Why 18to49? What is special about people of that age? One thing and one thing only: money.

We like money, but we have vicious hatred for almost all people. For instance, we find anyone who weighs more than 162 pounds highly disgusting. Also, people who are shorter than 5'7" make us thoroughly sick.

18to49 was formed in 2001 as a means for expressing our disapproval of various types of human beings, while at the same time making them give us money. It consists of two or three main persons, but at times has ballooned to as many as 1,200. All musicality is discarded in favor of offering solutions to various world problems.

We have absolutely no influences. That is to say, no 'human' influences. Anigav, lead drummer, is frequently in contact with life forms from other planets. He achieves this through a process he has named, "Tilcking." Anigav also communicates with most insects and some small animals. Using the information gathered in Tilcking, along with liquid adhesive purchased from a local merchant, 18to49 goes about their business.

"Target Market" is the first recorded document of 18to49. It features 18 tracks filled with information that is vital to all people. That is, if you are taller than 5'7" and less than 185 pounds. If you do not fit that criteria then "Target Market" will be unable to help you in any way. Of course, this is due to your total ignorance of any and all language, not to mention the fact that you'd have absolutely no motor skills whatsoever. Just the thought of it makes me want to rip out my intestines and feast on them.


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