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The Vagabond

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."
-Galileo Galilei

Welcome to the Vagabond, a website that wanders from one topic to another, a random collection of thoughts and ideas strewn together in no particular order. It is a direct result of my intense desire to express myself creatively and not having the time to begin or end such a project. Therefore, you will find all elements on this page in mid thought.

“The Commentary Corner”

"> I often find myself posing “what if” questions to myself and then weighing the societal impact of the outcome for each possible answer to the “what if” question at hand. For example, what if we legalized and taxed drugs in America? Would the sudden drop (due to regulation and low production costs) in current over-inflated drug prices cause a steep decline in dealer’s profits and power? Would the sudden loss of lucrative potential put an end to the lethal gang related territory wars as the legalization of alcohol sales did at the end of prohibition? Would it curb the eagerness of would be drug dealers and their elementary school aged look-outs to take up the drug pedaling profession? Would the revenue gained in taxes and diverted from the DEA be put to better use in schools and education systems? Or, would we simply create a nation of needle jabbing, coke snorting, crack smoking derelicts just craving the next cheap fix? Tell me what you think.

“The Society Evaluation Matrix”

Overlooked Overrated Overdone
Politically Ecology George Bush Term “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
Socially True Equality Legislated Morality Politically Correct Anything
Educationally Self Education Paid College Importance of Ivy League Schools

” College is the academic equivalent to a personal trainer. You end up spending exorbitant amounts of money to accomplish the same thing you could have accomplished on your own with a little discipline, desire and direction. The only difference being you don’t need a slip of paper to prove that you have spent “X” amount of hours in the gym.
- Amy LaRae Norris, 2003

Amy's Hot and Cold List...

  • Hot…The Supreme Court
  • Cold…Pat Robertson
  • Hot…Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • Cold…Danielle Steel
  • Hot…Vanessa Mae
  • Cold…Boy bands
  • Hot…Science
  • Cold…Religious Fanaticism

SURF'S favorite E-ocean hangouts!!!

E-literary classics at their best!!
Learn how to write in Chinese!
Do you know yourself as well as you think you do? Find out here!!
Find it on the web!!!!
How do they do that?
I want to be a virologist when I grow up!!
