Welcome to EMERGE UNITED magazine.

Through collaboration we have the power for change

Many silent voices need to be heard, there are Truths that need be examined, debated, reconfirmed. Show me how the World looks through you're Eyes, I'll tell all the things I know as Truth. Maybe somewhere, amongst the clash and the Chaos, we 'll meet where our ideas intertwine, find understanding and stand together to heal this Cultures bleeding.

Emerge United exists to perpetuate action. We urge you to do the same. If you come across ideas here you believe are important for the public to contimplate by all means, distribute propaganda from our page either via email or otherwise. We use paper propaganda to reach out amongst the flock which takes paper, ink and people. We take donations of scrapped or used papers, copies of Emerge United propaganda, monetary contributions, and Especialy Your Voice via whichever medum you find most comfortable.

So take 5 minutes: contact us, connect and collaborate. Amplify Your Voice! We are the People.
Emerge United!