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Spinning threads, the spider was. Spinning forever untold. She wondered when did it all end; did it ever end, even? Ceaselessly she spun, through night, and then day, and then night again.

What the spider never knew, up til the moment of her exhausted passing, was what her creation looked like. The crystal dewdrops made it clear for anyone but her. What she left behind became the joy of others, passing by on a cool spring day.

And the thoughts of those wandering passers-by? How beautiful a thing to be made by such a terrible creature. And the second thought? Nothing that could make such a thing could be so damned terrible after all. is a personal webpage and also a portal to:

The SCP Eugene Homepage


the ill-fated muse's musings

I want to thank a few people for helping me out immensely in my numerous endeavours:

Erin, for semi-teaching me html, inadvertantly. And for dealing with my stupidity :P Mick, for always being there, whether I thought I needed him or not. Ryan, for being my joy! Jeremy R, for sharing an initial with me, and for being a huge support and quite a bit of sun in my days. Emerin, for being the One Who Is. D - just because. My mum cause she rocks and gave me most of my creative (and insane) genes. C+R for dealing with my many inanities and insecurities for a large portion of my life. Brian, Kiri, and all the former Weave crew, for dealing with my highly random insanity. Mik - god yer beautiful, wherever you are. AUMY and others, for giving me a light through the darkness. Beo, for keeping me alive, and not just mentally. Gen, for the help and the advice and everything else I could never deal without. Gil, for being perserverant. Niig, Hayou, Cow (*cringe*), and the assassin, and the synner, just for being...attentive. And numerous others who have made up my life. Even the weird-ass man in the space suit thing on the corner of the bus station. No idea why, but he did make me laugh.

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