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A Charlie-ful Page

Okay! ummm basically I just made this so I wouldn't have to put up with the Cucie-fullness of "The Shit" site but uh.... okay ...shout outs are always good right? ~TYLA~ Can't wait to see you and your mom with matching belly button rings! That is awsome. ~CHICKITY CHAW, CUCIE, NINJA ect. ect.~ Yeah the whole knowing where to start thing is not as easy as one might think. ...StrongBad e-mails dude! Look no typo's .. I think. Yeah only the wicked geeky people know what we are talking about when we say crap like that! lol We should definatly do the whole Teen Girl Squad thing! ~SAM~ My Double Dragon! "Come down to the gym with me." lol. Biggest bitch in the world! Luv ya! ~TERRI~ This summer you and me! We are gonna try to get away from the old people and down to the beach a few times iight? ~PISSA!~ Here is the shout out you wanted so bad!... byt the way "It's a fucking wrap!" Yeah.. I don't feel like putting anybody else on here right now... I guess if you are looking at this page and you REALLY feel left out i could put you in there or something.... Okay well E-Mail me at !

Stuff Charlie Likes

My Favorite Web Sites

Vagrant Records
Mine and Cucie's Site
Kiwi Box