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.Dope Smoking Otters.


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"The ones we elect, who deflect and diverge.... they are the ones that lead the Political Purge"- sean

9-18-03:  Holy Cow... Over two months since the last update.  So, it was the summer can you blame me, we had our first qwazi-full-length practice on tuesday, it was fun to play together again, we worked out a new song in the total count that is fifteen tracks, but since we kinda dont play the other two tracks (they suck) its thirteen.  hopefully, we will figure something out wit ha signer, we have a prospectable otter named henry, i have never talked with him, but from a distance he seems pretty cool.  also, we are looking forward to gettin some shirts made so i have to add a merch section. haha. well i guess that encompasses the update for now. happy birthday in advance to sam. -sean 

7-10-03:  We had practice today. it sucked. we are never playing together again. haha. joking we were supposed to record to give our cds out but shit got messed up yet again so.... no cds are to be given out. so i guess we will try again, maybe some where else, but we will. i took out the pictues section.  The Republican National Party est. 1854 and fabricating injustices since 1954.- sean 

7-2-03:  Hey all, i created the new intro for the site. let me know what you think. as you all know the 4th of July is just  two days away, as a politically motivated band, i thought i would take this opportunity and share my beliefs on the subject. the people who fought the war of independence more than 220 years ago fought for human rights, and the rights to openly use the freedoms that so desired.  Although now more than ever are we contained by our political leaders, we as a people need to more openly express our freedom without fear  of social dishonor.  If their is something that you disagree with ,stand up and speak out, it is the only way things will ever change... We are the future of this bright country start change now so it won't be as difficult in the future- sean

6-21-03:  Hello everyone its is mikeal. iam the back up updater of this site in case something happens to sean. we have not heard from sean since school ended,  i hope he is not deceased, for he is a cool kid, and funny kid too. anyway, DSO is going on 12 songs. i think our songs keep getting better and better. The new song #12 has a crazy breakdown... enough of my senseless speech patterns. To divide and rule, Could only tear us apart, In everyman chest, There beats a heart-(Bob Marley)... Sincerely, Mike-al James Pennabere

"Success is not a destination but a journey"- Fortune cookie

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