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Statement: Denise Waldrep is an artist who celebrates the colors, shapes and textures that form the daily scenes of our lives. Sometimes she does so through the filter of scientific observation, sometimes through the whirl of emotion, and sometimes from the realm of the subconscious. When she is not in the studio, she teaches Art History and Human Biology at Piedmont Technical College as an adjunct instructor. This might seem an unusual combination of subjects, however it’s a combination of interests that she has had ever since she studied Scientific Illustration at the University of Georgia. During her career, she has worked as a free-lance artist, scientific illustrator, stained glass painter, and teacher. She has exhibited in national shows of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrator in Washington, DC and Minneapolis. Her work has been included in the Smithsonian exhibit entitled “Art in the Service of Science.” She has exhibited throughout the Southeast, including shows at Newberry College, Lander University, and Erskine College. She exhibits regularly with the Greenwood Artist Guild, of which she is past president. A bit of a Renaissance person, she enjoys teaching preschool music and singing with the Greenwood Festival Chorale. During the summer, she periodically helps with research on humpback whale behavior. She is married to Brian Waldrep and has one son, Carey, and two stepsons, Todd and Andy.


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