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23rd June 2006

As always, its been a while since I wrote anything here. My NEO mag entry is finished and in the post. I probably won’t win but I enjoyed drawing my entry. I will post it on my website, as soon as I know I didn’t get picked for the final book. I am back working on Demon Twin and a friend of mine who is into 3D animation is working on some dragon anime for me. Maybe DT will come alive after all. Cheers JX

2nd May 2006

Ooooh! Haven't updated this in a while. Sorry! I'm busy working on the second issue of Demon twin + My entry for the Neo manga contest. Hopefully it'll be worth sending in, but my day time work in very much getting in the way. Hence the fact I didn't post a message during April. If you have got the first issue of Demon twin, I hope you enjoyed it. The Art for issue 2 is much improved....I think! JX

23rd March 2006

Well here it is! The first issue is finally out in the states! Get your copy at for only $3. They've made a great profile for it, and a gallery of some of my artwork. Hope you enjoy it! JX

6th March 2006

Well things are finally beginning to happen. I found the action Manga book I did a couple of pic's for in Forbidden Planet, my pictures looked good. Shame they haven't sent me a copy, anyway it's called Drawing Action Manga: Easel-Does-It by Keith Sparrow (Who ever Keith is?) The cover isn't my work, thank god. But there's some decent pic's in side. Plus Demon twin is on its way as we speak. I know I've been saying this for ages, but I got the email today! Can't wait.Keep checking JX

21st February 2006

Long time since the last post so here's what I've been doing. Finished a new copy of my magazine 'Disorder'. You can check us out at . I've finished a few more pages for the second issue of Demon Twin, hopefully I'll post them soon. Purrsia Press have added me to their links sectin :) So be on the look out for the first issue of Demon twin at JX

31st January 2006

Well here I am looking forward to the first issue of Demon Twin coming out. As excited as I am, I've also found an exciting artist to tell you about. Check out Åsa Ekström at You'll love her work! JX

16th January 2006

First post of the new year. I've been working hard on new pages of issue 2. Hopefully I'll showcase some soon. Plus last sunday I was an extra in a pop video for cool new band The Pipettes check out JX

29th December 2005

I hope everyone had a great xmas! have a geat New Year and I hope you enjoy the first issue of The Demon Twin in early Feb. JX PS I've put up a new pic in my other work section, take a look!

1st December 2005

The first issue of Demon Twin will be out beginning of Feb 2006!! JX

29th November 2005

Well the first issue has made it to Purrsia Press HQ and will be printed for the new year. Keep checking back for more up dates. JX

8th November 2005

The first issue is finished and I've put it in the post! Only problem is its been a week and 2 days now and the damn thing still hasn't arrived. I really want feed back from Purrsia press about the 1st issue, so waiting is killing me!! AAAARRRRGGH....I hate the post office! JX

16th October 2005

Well sorry about the delay in up dating the news section. Im happy to announce that Demon Twin will be coming out on Purrsia Press, a great Manga Label based in Atlanta, USA. Check out their website at Now its down to me to get the first issue finished!! JX

13th September 2005

Here's one of the most recent pictures from Demon Twin. Its a picture of Demon in the bath thinking about the days events. New Demon Pic

7th September 2005

Well it seems I'm finally getting some work in print. Two pictures, one being a picture of Demon, are being printed by Axis Publishing for a book called Action Manga. More details on how to get a copy asap! Demon Picture for Action Manga

22th August 2005

Some great feed back from Rod Espinosa from Antarctic-Press Comics: "The project you presented looks promising. However, the artwork needs a lot more polish. Try drawing more people and try to draw as often as you can with an eye toward bettering your performance each time. We look forward to seeing your future submissions." I guess I've got a long way to go. JX

13th August 2005

Back to work now. But over my holiday I made quite a dent in the pages left to draw. I'm now looking for a cheap printer! If anyone can help with this, please email me. JXXX

7th August 2005

Well it looks like I won’t be winning Tokyo Pop’s RSOM comp this year. Being the catalyst for this website, I think they deserve a special mention. I originally came up with Demon Twin for the comp. But I found my self enjoying drawing it so much, I decided to make it into a full length comic. I think this probably breaks a rule or something. I’m sure this website does. But in the end, Tokyo Pop set me on this path, and for that I am grateful. I’ll just have to look forward to next years comp. But I’ll probably be signed up by some major comic book company by then?Ehohohoho

1st August 2005

Well I'm on hoilday for a week so I'm looking forward to making some heavy progress on the first issue of Demon Twin. I've already worked out some great plot twists for it, and can't wait to put them in ink. Stay tuned!

21st jULY 2005

Sorry no new pictures yet. Just wanted to up date the news section, to see if I could do it! It works so I'm happy. Got the guest book working, leave me any feed back in there. The first issue of Demon Twin should be about 84 pages. So hopefully it'll be worth the wait!

14TH jULY 2005

Finally getting the hang of this website stuff. I've seen better websites, but too be honest I didn't think I would get this far. Hope you like my work. *TODAY WE REMEMBERED THE PEOPLE WHO DIED, WHO WERE HURT, WHO HELPED SAVE LIVES. PEACE & LOVE TO LONDON! MY HOME*

D/T 12TH JULY 2005

I'm half way through the first issue of Demon Twin. I've up loaded some pictures for you to see some of the pages. Hope you you like them.

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