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Text Box:       We make music.



Démodé is creative trio that dives into the music without the burden of single genre. Our music ranges from gipsy jazz, European folk, US 1930’s jazz and blues à la Tom Waits all the way to modern drum & bass, atmosphere, neo-classical music or tunes in the vein of Cocteau Twins, Vaya Con Dios or Ry Cooder .

Our site offers downloadable samples of our songs, lyrics, photo gallery and plenty about each of us.


Jump into our official presentation at:




Yes, we play live!



Demode are:


Nina Krstonijevic:

Vocals & Tambourine



Zoran Gospodinov:

Bass, Contrabass, Accordion, Studio Engineering, Programming & Producing



Dragan Pecinar:

Guitars, Vocals, Composing & Songwriting



















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