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Anarchy Angels

This is the first track that I am posting for everyone to listen to that I, well, direct here to listen to it! The guitar and bass work are done by yours truly, and the harmonica was done by a genius friend of mine named Ryan Holzer. This is not the final mix down, there is still some highs and lows to be dealt with and then the percussion has to be dealt with as well, where I will enlist my good friend Jon (also a genius) to finish that for me! So, check back if you'd like to hear more songs, or at least a finished version of this one! The next track I posted here is called Anarchy Angels and it's one of my first pieces of production work I did on an album in my studio, so I posted it to give you all an idea of what kind of music I can record, even though this is still fairly similar to what I posted before. Vocals though, so yay! I played the bass and did the piano, string, and percussion in this song while my friend Trevor played guitar and my other friend Tanner sang. Enjoy! Hey lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Intro is up for ya, just remember that is blows and there will be a much better version soon :)!