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to love and go
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Saturday, 24 February 2007
Have you ever love someone only to let go?
Mood:  sad
Topic: to love and go
The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you.

You never lose by loving. You always lost by holding back.

I personally like these quotes.In life,these are the 2 most hard dillemas one could face. Loving someone that doesnt love you anymore and holding on to what had been.It is really hard to move on after a long relationship,especially when you invested so much love,so much time and so much effort just to work things out yet it ends.Relationship is a give and take process,it wont work if only one does.

I have love and had lost it, sadly because I realized too late that I also loved but took that person for granted. I have also love but that someone loves someone else,it was also too late for me to realize it,I looked somewhere else when it was only in front of me.The sad part was..I lost them both.

When you love, say it, show it and most of all prove it. Don't hide it, keep it and dont suffer in silence only to have the courage later but loss the person. Enjoy the moment if it's still there, grieve if you lost one and dont hold on if there's nothing anymore. Don't hurt yourself by staying when there's no reason, set yourself free, give yourself a chance to be happy and remember you can never love someone fully when you dont love yourself enough. For people to respect you,you should first respect yourself, same as love, for us to be love, we should love ourselves enough.

Posted by indie/deeperthoughts at 11:42 PM WST
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