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Conversations with God

Welcome to a tribute to Conversations with God. For those of you who don't know, Conversations with God is a book (or series of books) that were written by a man by the name of Neale Donald Walsch. These books began from a single angry letter to God. Neale asked questions about his life, why it wasn't working, just scribbled it all down on a pad of paper, to get out his frustrations. Then, the next thing he knew, his hand continued to write, after he was done recording his anger. These words didn't feel like his own, yet they came from his own body. They answered the questions that he asked, and they continued this amazing conversation for many years, over many pages to be put into many books which are now published world wide. I believe that these books were brought into my hands at the exact perfect time in my life. As I read the pages, I felt the book speak out to me. I felt the conversation within myself. And I believe that those who read these books, are never the same. The books explain things so logically, yet they speak to your soul, so every aspect of yourself can understand and listen. The brilliance on those pages are indescribable. I felt an urge to make this webpage, so I could at least introduce a few of you to what kind of things that are written in the books, so that you, too, may be touched by it's words. The links below are some excerpts from the books. Unfortunately, I only own Conversations with God for Teens, Conversations with God Book 1, Conversations with God Book 2, Conversations with God Book 3, and Friendship with God. There are others like Communion with God, etc. I'm sure all or any of them could benefit anybody who gets their hands on them, but I would suggest starting with Conversations with God Book 1 since it makes a good basis for continuing on with the other books. Anyway, Here are the links. I hope you enjoy yourself. Open your Mind, Body, and Soul.


Conversations with God Book 1
Conversations with God Book 2
Conversations with God Book 3
Conversations with God for Teens
Friendship with God

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