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Jee-van Suicide Prevention Counseling Centre

A line can make the difference between life and death.

Every month, over 9,000 people across India commit suicide. In the quiet of their homes, beside a railway track, in a deserted schoolyard. Where and how really don't matter. What we're concerned with is: Why?

Experts say that at least ten attempts at suicide are estimated for every actual reported suicide. Which means that over 10,00,000 people in India attempt suicide every year. This is a conservative estimate -- doctors say that thousands of cases go unreported because of the taboos surrounding suicide. Seven out of ten Indians who commit suicide are young (15-24 years) or middle-aged (30-44 years).

Why would someone in his or her prime attempt to take their life? Attempted suicide is a desperate cry for help. It is a warning that a person's resources for handling pain have run dry. Death seems the only way out ... unless someone can give them a good reason to live.

Jee-van wants to be that someone. Jee-van is a Suicide Prevention Telephone Counseling Center open 24 hours to those who have lost all hope. We aim to:

*be a listening, caring, supportive, non-judgmental friend
*offer practical ways to deal with anger, loneliness, unhealthy relationships and despair
*assess the nature and degree of risk and the person's ability to cope with their situation
*arrange emergency help, be it hospitalisation or removal from a threatening environment
bring the person into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ

Every human being is created in the image of God. And with life, God gives us a purpose for our lives. Jee-van can boldly offer life to those who wish to reject it because we know that God has a plan, purpose and future for them.

Jee-van also counsels families and friends of those who have committed or attempted suicide. We are working to raise awareness about suicide and to break the taboos surrounding suicide and depression. Our long term goal is to start Jee-van centers across the country. Wherever we go, we carry the message: Life is worth living.

We require people and churches who are willing to partner with us as:

*prayer supporters
*financial donors
*fund raisers

If you want to help someone choose life, partner with Jee-van. Together, we can give those who despair a reason to live.

For more information, please contact:

171, Ambiga Street
Golden George Nagar
Chennai 600107

Help line Phone No. 2656-4444


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