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Thursday, 16 October 2003
i have no clue why, but i love Dawson's Creek. I just saw the series finale again(i rented the DVD) and again, it made me cry. Argh! lol
well anyway, so many good quotes in the ep. heres some:
"Friendship can really never be over or underestimated."(i forget who says it)
"It's interesting how people use that expression, life and death. As if to imply that life is the opposite of death, but birth is the opposite of death. Life...has no opposite." -Dawson
"Love to the tips of your fingers. And when you find that love, wherever you find it, whoever you choose, don't run away from it...but you don't have to chase after it either. You just be patient, and it'll come to you, I promise, and when you least expect it." -Jen
"Loving you is enough for me" - Pacey
Jen - "I never felt like I belonged"
Jack - "You do belong. You belong to me, Jen you are my soulmate"

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 10:26 PM EDT
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Monday, 13 October 2003

Aerosmiths a go. I got a ticket! lol. wow i just got that willy wonka "i got a golden ticket" song in my heas. lol. I cant wait....well i can more than the common ro gig on friday. I so cant wait for that! theres gonna be so many people there. i hope i get a chance to "talk" to adam.(being that i am super shy, who knows if i will form actual words..hopefully i can. i have before, maybe i'll bable, lol) well im sposed to be doing my human bio homework, so im off! lol

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 3:52 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 8 October 2003
today after school me and my TV production group had to stay after to do an interview. everything was going all screwy. tehn at the end i had to ask the questions to a srand in for the interviewee. this was also not going exactally perfect. I keept laughing, then the stand in (one of the group members) kept laughing. there are seriously like 10 minuets on tape of me laughing. i find this so amusing. It is seriously the most fun i've had in a while, with all the drama going on with my "friends" dont get me wrong, i have tons of fun with my friends, but today with all the trouble and my laughing fit, it took my mind off of the stuff thats been going on. i really needed that laughing fit didnt i? lol
Well in other news, Aerosmith is coming back to CT in BPT! yay. Im so there...if i can get tix. The only problem is that the Phantom Planet concert is the day after it. Also im still gonna try for the ComRo BE gig, but who knows if that will work out. Im hoping. I need my full band ComRo fix, i tell you! lol. well i should be doing my homework now, but as usual im on here, so im off to do my

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 8:32 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 October 2003

Im not gonna be going to the looney tunes gig. Err! Im still going to Vintage and i so cant wait! Im gonna try again for the next Bitter End, but my mom doesnt want me to go. My dad kinda wants to go, so were trying. Glenn was a no for Vintage, but he might go now! yay. its gonna be me, mike, steph, and maybe glenn. and a whole bunch of other people. its gonna be crazy! im going through withdrawal still. I cant wait till the 17! they really got to come closer!

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 1:37 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 24 September 2003
the reason i dont like preps! (well one reason...)
ok, so we had our senior surperlitives all set and handed out so people could do them...well today like all these people were complaining about them. and guess what people they were? the preps/pops! none of our kind complained! o yeah and then some of them are joining the staff! argh!

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 7:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 23 September 2003
F**K me again! i just realized i have a class trip the day after looney tunes! AHHHAHHHAHH. oh well, i'll still try.

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 4:01 PM EDT
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grrr...argh...whoop whoop.
Wow. I havent posted in like forever...
Well as you may or may not know, I wasnt able to attend the Bitter End. I was so totally pissed! I really really really wanted to go, but that damn hurricane had to didnt even do anything that bad...grrrr!
But i will be seeing the guys at Vintage Vinyl on oct. 17. Glenn might go, yay! lolI was going to see tham at the oyster fest in oyster bay the next day, but couldnt happen.
Just found out like a min. ago that they are gonna be back at lonney tunes...but, f**k me gently w/ a chainsaw, its a wednesday in october. Im gonna try for it, but prolly wont happen either. I liked that store, so i want to go back not only because ComRo but cause of the store. Im starting to go through not good. lol.
um...yeah school sucks still, but im getting used to it now. plus i dont have much homework now that i have these classes, so YAY! lol
well i should be doing so school related stuff, but nope, im off to update my

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 3:51 PM EDT
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Sunday, 7 September 2003
more quotes
The horseplay should be left to the horses
That is kids stuff
Set your sights on new sources
You're such a big girl now
-CoRo, playground

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 6:14 PM EDT
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Saturday, 6 September 2003
Passion is the source of our finest moments. It is the joy of love, the clarity of hatred and the ecstasy of grief. Passion is the source of hope and the cause of despair. It is the source of life and the cause of death. If we could live without passion, then maybe we'd know some kind of peace, but we'd be hollow. Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd truly be dead.
~Angel, Passion~

Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for thier life to change, not really. But it does, so what are we? Helpless?Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna' come. Its what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you really are.
~Whistler, Becoming~

Xander: "Where is he?? Where is the creep that made me into his spider eating man bitch?
Buffy: He's gone
Xander: Damn it! You know what?! I'm sick of this crap! I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis! As of this moment I'm finished with being everybodys butt monkey!"

Oz: Guys take a moment to deal with this. We survived.
[Xander nods.]
Buffy: It was a hell of a battle.
Oz: Not the battle. High school.
[They all look quietly at the school and listen to the crickets chirping.]
Oz: We're taking a moment...
[Willow and Buffy get up from the bench. Oz looks at Cordy.]
...and we're done.

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 6:50 PM EDT
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CoRo Yay!
The show was last nite. The guys were great! The place...not so great. It was all cramped and the people made us stop taking pics. Why they didn't say anything before that is a mystery. Well I got some pics, but they are kinda blury cause Adam jumps around so much, but I love that! lol. after they finished, we went downstairs to see them. we were waiting for like a half hour or more before Adam came out. When he saw me he was like, "How are you? you're usually with your friends, where are they?" lol I also gave him the tie. He said he liked it, but idk... He hugged me when I gave it to him. then he stared to put it on. He made it look like a scarf when he gave up on tieing it. After that I showed him the pics I took of him on Figure It Out and he was lie "OMG! to bad my parents left, I'd show them" after a little while more he had to go and he said goodbye to us and he hugged a few of us again. So I got two Adam Hugs! He he! And this time I remembered to breath when I was around him. lol. Can't wait till BE! I hope my dad lets me go to the oyster bay gig!

Posted by indie/common_rotation at 11:19 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 6 September 2003 11:20 AM EDT
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