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The Ciuin Oraibh Tablets

In gentleness, we are shown to be gentle. In being seen gentle, we are treated as gentle.

Agression is met with agression, greed with greed, disrespect for oneself with the disrespect shown by others towards ourselves.

In pridefulness, we are shown to be proud. The gods decree they are to be most proud, most adored, most beautiful.
We are out of the gods' favour when we are consumed by pride.

The gods supply us with everything.Therefore, it is not in the nature of aislings to be demanding. By relinquishing our greed, we are in the gods' favour.

The gods are easily swayed by love. Aislings are creations of the gods, posessing the energy of the gods. Therefore, aislings are likewise easily swayed by love. In this way, all aislings deserve love.

Whatever is done, let it be done as an offering to the gods.

All aislings posess energy of the gods. All aislings are in this way holy.

Ciuin Oraibh Degrees

Ciuin Degree Demotions