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NEWS 12.3.03

It's been a hell of a long time since I've updates this thing. Almost three months, well here's what's going down: 1. The Project Checkerboard idea is dead. It turned sour after a lack of enthusiasm from some of the bands involved and the venue (i.e they never returned some of my emails) and the venue deciding not to host the first show or any show after that. Sorry folks, I tried, the show is off (on the 6th) and so is the concept. 2.My record hasn't come out yet. I was planning on having an EP out in Nov. but I got tangled up in school, work and the failure of the PC. I decided to record a full length album (with the four or so songs I have done) of 10-12 songs hopefully to be due out in late Jan./early Feb. 3. I will be playing shows very shortly. As soon as the record comes out I will be playing some shows in the Northern Illinois area. Including, hopefully, a show with the Slackers sometime in March. Well that's all I have for now, and since this maybe the last time I update this thing this year...Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...and until next time, Stay Tuned!

This weeks featured link goes to the late Joe Strummer, his posthumously released album "Streetcore" is one great album, one of the greatest in 2003 and beyond. It is chock full of creative and inspirational music. The former Clash front man died last Dec. 22nd and the tracks he had recorded for this album were included with songs he had previously recorded, including a song written for Johnny Cash (who passed away this year) and a cover of Bob Marley's classic "Redemption Song". A great man and musician, John Graham Mellor a.k.a. Joe Strummer 1952-2002.

-Just click on the pic of Joe.

subliminal message: We miss you Joe!.

Joe Strummer 1952-2002.

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