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Chapter 18 - Time to mingle

Writer´s Note: As of this episode, I will write more outrageous and daring. It might not show yet, but I´m coming there… I have already planned for an ending for this fan fiction, as I am planning for a new one. Indiscreet will end by chapter 28 and LOTS will happen till then. I can promise you that. It will go in high speed, so fasten your seatbelts! It will be one bumpy ride from now on.

Curious about my new fan fiction? I can tell you this much: It will be about how it all began. I´m talking way back when Stephanie, Eric, Beth, Sally and Massimo were kids. I am going to write from a Stephanie Forrester point of view, since she is my favorite character. The story will be about how Stephanie related to her family, about her relationship with Massimo, Eric and Beth´s relationship, how Eric and Stephanie met and how the new Forrester generation (Ridge and his siblings) came. Also the Logans (Brooke and her siblings). And a little about how Sally and Massimo knew each other, Adam and the birth of Macy - and the business in fashion.

I have yet to decide a name for this fan fiction. Any ideas? Anyone?

Now, Indiscreet chapter 18: (Time to mingle)

Felicia and Ben arrived at a Beverly hills costume shop. As Felicia started looking through some of the many costumes there, Ben sighed. He was not into “going shopping”. Felicia lost her patience with his attitude and told him to wait for her in the car while she looked around. As he left her in the shop, Felicia sighed herself. She was tired to dragging Ben with her all over and he not showing any interests in what she was up to. As Felicia looked back to the clothes, she got a glimpse of Beth Logan in that very same shop.

“Beth? What are you doing here?”, Felicia asked as she walked up to Beth.

Beth was there to find a costume for her to wear to the Forrester costume ball the next day, but didn´t want to start an argument right there in the shop, because Felicia clearly didn´t approve of Beth setting her eyes on Eric again.

“Felicia. I saw you from the window and I thought I´d say hallo. It´s nice to see you again. How long are you staying?”, Beth asked.

“I don´t know yet. And you? You still live in Paris, right?”, Felicia asked.

“Actually no. I just moved back to Los Angeles. Steven and I are separated and I wanted to spend time with my grandchildren. There´s nothing left in Paris for me to go back to”

“How are Rick and Bridget? I haven´t had the chance to see them yet.”

“They are as good as you can expect considering the circumstances.”

“Yeah… I heard about Amber and that guy… What´s his name?”

“Deacon Sharpe. Little Eric´s biological father.”

“I don´t see how Bridget could have stayed with him knowing that he left Becky pregnant and loved Amber, not her.”, Felicia said as she thought about it.

“Well, love is blind…”

“Ain´t that the truth…”, Felicia agreed and yet again spotted a familiar face.

“Morgan DeWitt?”, she asked a redheaded woman who just entered the shop.

Morgan realized she was about to be revealed and turned away from Felicia and Beth, pretending not to hear her.

“Morgan?”, Felicia again asked.

Morgan tried to escape, but Felicia rushed forward and came face to face with her.

“Morgan! Didn´t you hear me calling? Don´t you recognize me? It´s me, Felicia Forrester. Remember?”, Felicia asked.

“I´m afraid you must be mistaken. My name is not Morgan”, Morgan said disguising her voice and talking with a bad English accent.

“Oh, sorry. My mistake. It´s just that you look just like someone I used to know many years ago.”, Felicia said as she went back to Beth.

Morgan quickly left as she thanked God that she were never close to Felicia back then.

“I am not taking up your time, am I? You´re not at this mall looking for a costume, are you?” Felicia asked as she implied that Beth wasn´t invited to the costume ball and hoping that Brooke hadn´t invited her along.

“No, I wasn´t. And you´re right. I should continue. I promised Brooke to get home to dinner.”, Beth excused herself.

“Give Brooke my best”, Felicia told Beth as she left the shop.

Felicia continued to search for outfits for her parents, her sister, herself and Ben. After 15 minues she was set to go home with 5 costumes with her. She went to the car and Ben drove them home. As she left, both Beth and Morgan returned to the shop. Both noticing each other, but not knowing who the other one was. Morgan hurried as much as she could. She picked out two matching costumes, the first two she found in the right sizes, for her and Thorne. She payed and quickly left. Beth went over to the clerk.

“Excuse me. I was wondering which costumes the young woman in short black hair who was just here chose. Could you tell me? I have a surprise for her and it would help a lot…”, Beth asked as she smiled to the young woman behind the desk.

Morgan arrived home with her costumes. Thorne sighed as he saw that she had gone and borrowed costumes against his wishes.

“Before you say anything, I´d like to guarantee that no one will recognize me in this costume. I ran into Felicia at the shop and she didn´t recognize me at all, and I wasn´t even disguised!”

“You ran into Felicia?!”, Thorne asked worried.

“Yes, but no harm done. She didn´t know it was really me. But it´s sweet of you to worry. I really appreciate it.”, Morgan said as she kissed Thorne on his lips.

“ I do worry. I care about you. I don´t want you to go back to that institution. So, who are we going as?”, Thorne asked.

“You changed your mind! Thank you!”

“I can´t say no to you.”, Thorne said as he opened the zipper and took his first look at his costume.

“It was the only one they had in our sizes that fit together. And we want to fit, right?”, Morgan said.

“But Batman and catwoman??”, Thorne asked stunned.

“Well, yeah… It will be great. No one will ever know it´s me underneath.”

“I guess. But me as Batman? My family will be there… I couldn´t have gone as Robin Hood or Ivanhoe or anyone like that?”

“Ivanhoe? Who´s that?”, Morgan asked as she had no idea.

“Nevermind. Batman it is…”

Taylor was sitting on the sofa with papernapkins around her. Her eyes was swollen from all the crying. As the phone rang, she jumped on it.

“Ridge? Is that you?”, she called out.

“Yes, Taylor. It´s me. I was just calling to let you know that I won´t be coming home tonight. I´ll spend the night at my parents house.”, Ridge said to his wife who was devastated.

“No, Ridge. Please, come home! We need to talk. Don´t turn away from me!”, she cried desperately to him.

“I´m sorry, I can´t. I need some time to think. Tell the kids goodnight from me. I´ll be home tomorrow after the costume ball and then we can talk. Bye”, Ridge said and hung up the phone. It wasn´t easy for him to do that. He still loved Taylor. He would always love Taylor. No matter what. But he wasn´t sure if he could ever forgive her or take her back. Brooke was still on his mind. He couldn´t forget her. But he felt it was too late for them. Obviously, Brooke was in love with her new man. The last thing Ridge wanted was to bring her any more heartache. But he still had hopes for them.

The next day arrived and it was time for the costume ball. Felicia had deliberately hidden the costumes from the others so they didn´t get any chance to back off and find another outfit. She and Ben carried the costumes downstairs to the others. Ridge already had one in his old room where he had spent the night. He and Taylor were supposed to go there together as Rhett and Scarlett, but that didn´t happen. So Ridge had gotten a last minute costume. A gladiator. A similar costume as the one Russell Crowe wore in Gladiator. Eric, Stephanie and Kristen waited to see their costumes as Felicia prepared them.

“First of all I´d like to say that you shouldn´t take this personal. I love all of you…”, Felicia started.

“Oh, God…”, Kristen sighed as she expected the worst.

“Second of all, have some humor about yourselves. Okay? Let´s see what we got here. Kristen! Here you go. Mother… Dad”, she said as she handed over the costumes.

Kristen opened her first and was playfully offended as she just giggled amused.

“Mother Theresa!?”, Kristen asked her little sister.

“Well…You are Christian, you are always helping everyone. And I can´t remember the last time you had a boyfriend… Fits you…” Felicia explained.

“And who is this?”, Stephanie asked as she took out hers.

“That is Marquise de Merteuil. The character Glenn Close playing in Dangerous liaisons.”, Felicia explained.

“Oh… nice…”, Stephanie said mildly excited as she recognized it.

“Abe Lincoln?”, Eric said as he opened his.

“The president. That´s you, dad… Uhhmmm, and he was rumoured to love another woman while married to Mary Todd… Recognize that, dad? It has happened to you, what? 5-6 times? Oh, just humor yourselves. It will give us a better reputation. And we need that especially now, right? So go on. Go upstairs and change”, Felicia said.

“Not so fast there, little ‘humor yourselves’ stylist, who are you going as?” Kristen asked curious.

“I´m going as the king”, Felicia answered.

“Elvis?”, Eric asked surprised.

“The one and only. And Ben here is my Priscilla.”, Felicia announced.

“That´s right… What did you say?! No, Felicia. Please!”, Ben begged as the others just laughed.

“That´s for leaving me at the shop yesterday. Oh, come on! You´ll look adorable!”, Felicia said as she gave him his costume.

As Kristen walked up the stairs with her parents, she asked them about the future of the company.

“Is Brooke out of the picture now or will she still be CEO?”, she asked.

“When hell becomes a skiresort! No, she won´t be CEO. Not now when I own her stocks.”, Stephanie answered quickly.

“What is it exactly that you are planning, Stephanie? You ran out of here so quickly last night. Who will be CEO?”, Eric asked.

“I will tell you all about my plan at the pressconferance today”, Stephanie informed them with a grin.

Brooke and Greg was getting ready for the costume ball at Brooke´s place. They were going as Grace Kelly and Prince Rainer of Monacco. Brooke had always admired Grace Kelly and now she was Grace Kelly. If only for a night. And Greg was her prince. Bridget came downstairs dressed as Morticia Addams from the Addams family. Brooke was stunned to see her daughter in the black wig and dark make-up, and the clothes...

“Honey? Morticia Addams?!”, she asked.

“I know.. But this is how I feel now”, Bridget explained.

“I know Deacon hurt you. But don´t turn your anger into this…”

“What´s your problem? It´s not like I´m going to dress like this forever. It´s just for today.”, Bridget reassured Brooke who was worried about her daughter. She had never experienced heartache like this before and Brooke just wanted to ease her pain as much as she could. The three of them headed to the Forrester mansion.

The costume ball began. Reporters, photographers and buyers in costumes entered the mansion. They took many pictures of the family and asked questions about the fire, Brooke´s kidnapping and all sorts of things. The Forrester didn´t answer questions as they promised to do that later that night.

Rick, Miranda and Little Eric arrived to the party. Rick and Miranda came as Robin Hood and Lady Marion. Little Eric was dressed up as Harry Potter in a wig and glasses. After them came Brooke, Greg and Bridget. The photographers snapped lots of photos of them since it was the first public appearance Rick did with his new girlfriend and Brooke with her new man. New romances were hot stuff for the magazines, especially the gossip.

Brooke and Greg went over to the rest of the family and greeted them. The flashes from the cameras noticed the stiff encounter of Stephanie and Brooke alas Marquise de Merteuil and Grace Kelly. It was front page news for sure, they all thought. But little did they know what the night had in store for all of them.

Morgan and Thorne entered. Thorne had to admit that Morgan had done a helluva job in disguising herself. He would never had guessed it was she if he didn´t know. Thorne led Morgan to his parents.

“Mother. Dad”, he greeted to their backs as they were in a discussion with some buyers. They turned around.

“Thorne?”, Stephanie asked as she inspected him from top to toe. Eric was equally as surprised to see his son dressed up as Batman.

“You look wonderful”, Thorne said to his mother and gave her a cheek-kiss.

“Thank you, honey. And who is this?”, she asked as she looked at Morgan.

“Catwoman”, Morgan greeted in a disguised voice.

“This is my date for the evening. Molly Davidson”, he introduced her as.

“It´s nice to meat you”, Eric and Stephanie told her as she smiled lovingly at them remembering the last time she saw them. In their bathroom after her failing attempt to drown Stephanie in the tub.

The front door opened and in walked the Spectra group. Sally dressed as Mae West led the others inside the decorated mansion. Mae West was followed by Marilyn Monroe (Darla), Adam (Valintino) and Clarke (Zeus). As the Forresters saw them, they all sighed. Stephanie and Eric went over to them.

“Excellent costumes!”, Sally told them.

“Oh, get it over with. The insults and the ‘you´re not welcomed here’ and not to forget the famous toss out. Or is it the pool dip today?”, Clarke asked amused.

“Or are we starting with the ‘you didn´t get an invitationcard, so beat it’”, Adam asked.

“Actually, you´re welcomed to join”, Stephanie said not too enthusiastic.

“What? Excuse me? I didn´t quite hear you.”, Sally was more than just a little stunned.

“You are welcomed to join the party”, Eric repeated.

“Then why didn´t we get an invitation?”, Clarke asked.

“Why waste the envelopes? We knew you´d show up with or without invitation anyway”, Stephanie explained as she and Eric left them for themselves.

“There is a dog buried here”, Adam said as he was sure the Forresters had motives for not throwing them out.

“Not to worry about that now. Don´t spoil the one and only time we are let in THAT easily. Let´s just enjoy the party now. Be graceful and show off your best sides now”, Sally said as she took a glass of champagne and started mingle with guests.

Beth arrived wearing a Mary Todd costume, matching Eric´s Abe Lincoln. She silently to herself thanked the clerk for giving the information she needed about Eric´s outfit. She entered the mansion and was spotted by Felicia who damned her for this stunt.

“Look at who just arrived”, Felicia warned her parents.

Stephanie was anything but happy as she saw Beth dressed as Abe Lincoln´s (Eric´s) wife.

”Does she ever stop? How dare she come here dressed like that? Wait… How did she know you were going as Abe Lincoln. You didn´t even know…”, Stephanie asked.

“My fault. I bumped into her at the costume shop. She must have spied on me. I´m sorry.”, Felicia said as she took of her Elvis glasses.

”It´s okay. I´ll talk to her”, Eric said as he went over to Beth.

“Beth… The costume?”, he asked as he got to her side.

“Well, isn´t this a coincidence.. Must be destiny.”, Beth said.

“Maybe so… You did hear that I, Abe Lincoln, have my eyes set on another than the beloved Mary Todd, didn’t you?” he asked.

“You shouldn´t listen to rumors, Eric. They are often stated by some vicious jealous rival who knows nothing about the man´s true feelings.”, Beth said.

“Not in this case. By the way, you did a good job in spying on my daughter. She had no idea that you were still there”, Eric came clean with her.

“So she told you. Well, I had to make a point. We belong together, Eric. We always have and always will.”, she told him and quickly kissed him on his lips as the flashes of the cameras went wild. Eric didn´t get the chance to react since it all went so fast. As he abruptly ended the lip lock he saw Stephanie angrily watching from the other side of the room. Her reaction to the kiss was registered on the film on every camera in the mansion. She realized just what had happened and quickly went to the kitchen to avoid all the people. Eric followed quickly as the photographers went wild for the scoop. He stopped them on his way into the kitchen and asked for some privacy. As he went inside, Stephanie surprised him with a slap across his face, quick and hard.

“I guess I deserved that one. Aaoooch”, Eric covered his cheek.

”How could you kiss Beth infront of EVERYBODY?”, she asked with a high voice and rage in her eyes as she glared at him.

“I´m so sorry for embarrassing you like that. I never expected Beth to kiss me like that infront of everyone. And I point out that SHE kissed ME – not the other way around. I know it hurt you, and now it apparently hurts me too…”, Eric said as he gently rubbed his burning cheek.

“I hit too hard, I´m sorry” she said as she placed her hand on Eric´s hand covering the pounding pain. ”I´ll get some ice”, she went to the freezer.

“Am I going to get a big purple bruise on my face now?”, Eric asked like a hurt child.

“If you do, you can always use some of my make-up to cover it. That rough wouldn´t go with your skincolor, but hey, no one will figure it out”, Stephanie joked as she took the icepackage she had created and placed on his cheek.

“Make-up! Now YOU´RE in trouble…”, he teased as he grabbed her and kissed her. Some flashes went off as three photographers had sneaked inside.

“I told you to stay away, didn´t I? Get away from here”, Eric told them and that obeyed. Stephanie just laughed.

“My God… How do you get in these situations?”, she asked.

“It´s a gift?” he joked.

“Do you realize what people are going to think about all this?”, she asked as they headed out to the others again.

“What the he!! happened?”, Kristen asked her parents.

“Mother Theresa swears…”, Felicia pointed out.

“Never mind that.”, Eric answered Kristen´s question.

Just then, the photographers started taking pictures again. Someone was coming down the stairs. The Forresters got closer to see what was going on. It was Ben, all dressed up as Priscilla Prestley in a puffy-sleeved dress and make up. Everyone was amused, and even more as Felicia in her Elvis costume called for ‘his’ Priscilla to join the party. Ben was humiliated enough to last a lifetime, but the thought of all the money Felicia stood for gave him motivation to degrade himself. He took a deep breath and went to her side as the MRS.

Taylor entered the party. She couldn´t stay away. She needed to talk to her husband. Dressed as Xena warriorprincess, she spotted Ridge the gladiator and headed his way.

“Taylor? What are you doing here?”, he asked her as he grabbed her arm and pulled her with him to an empty corner of the mansion.

“I needed to talk to you. We has to work this out. And you can´t forbid me to be here. It´s my family too.”

“Why don’t you just leave? I promise that we´ll talk tonight. Just leave, now!”, Ridge ordered his wife as Stephanie and Eric heard them arguing and went over to them.

“What is going on here?”, Stephanie asked.

“Taylor was just leaving.”, Ridge told them.

“Why?”, Eric asked.

“Yes, why Ridge?”, Taylor asked and challenged him. She didn´t think he was going to spill the beans about her kidnapping Brooke.

“Taylor has other things to do and I was just explaining to her that I don´t mind her leaving to take care of her errands”, Ridge said.

“She doesn´t seem to want to leave to me. Stay Taylor, if you want”, Stephanie said.

“Okay. Here´s the deal. It was Taylor. She was the one who kidnapped Brooke”, Ridge whispered to his parents as Taylor´s mouth dropped.

“What? No… I don´t believe it. Taylor?”, Stephanie was shocked.

“Tell them! Go ahead”, Ridge ordered his wife.

“It´s not that simple.”, Taylor almost choked.

“Oh my God…”, Eric was shocked.

“You were willing to send me to jail and take the fall for it”, Stephanie realized angered.

“No. I knew you weren´t going to jail. I wouldn´t have let it go that far”, Taylor told her mother-in-law.

“You let the police arrest me infront of my family and you just stood there watching it happen. How could you?”, Stephanie asked as a reporter passed by and heard. He hid behind the plant behind a wall and began eavesdropping at them for the scoop as he silently put on his recorder.

“I´m sorry, Stephanie. I never meant for you to get arrested. I didn´t know what to do when it happened. What was I supposed to do?”, Taylor asked.

“Confessed! My God… Brooke was telling the truth… I never believed her.”, Stephanie realized her mistake.

“Please, Stephanie. Forgive me! You are my best friend!”, Taylor pleaded.

“Friend!? No, you´re not my friend. Friends doesn’t sell the other out. Why didn´t you confess earlier? Why?”

“She never confessed in the first place. I found out on my own and forced her to confess”, Ridge announced.

“I can´t take this anymore”, Taylor ran out sobbing as everyone looked on.

“Well well well, a typical Forrester party…”, Sally commented.

“Serves them right. They have to get off their high horses sometime”, Adam said.

“Taylor sure got what was coming to her. I wonder what that was all about…”, Clarke wondered intrigued.

“And now it appears that everyone will know the truth”, Brooke finished telling Greg the story of Taylor. He already knew some, but not all until Brooke filled him in.

“And Ridge? Is he free now?”, Greg asked as he wanted to know if Ridge was after Brooke again. He had his suspicions since Ridge had come by her house the night before.

“You don´t have to worry about Ridge. He and I are over. This time for good. I know that now. Cause I am starting to fall in love with another man…”, she smiled at Greg to ease up. She was glad to see some jealousy in his eyes as she had told him about her and Ridge´s past. It definitely gave her hopes for a future for them.

“What would you say… and do… if he wants you back now?”, he asked.

“He has already told me he wants me back”, Brooke revealed.

“Last night? What did you tell him?”, Greg wondered.

“I didn´t get the chance to tell him anything. After he kissed me he just left”, Brooke teased Greg.

“Kissed you? That SOB… How dare he?!”, Greg was upset.

“Relax. I am not taking him back. No matter how much he begs. Ridge is a finished chapter in my book.”, Brooke reassured him as she placed a kiss on his lips.

Stephanie was still upset about Taylor but had to put it behind her as it was time for the pressconferance. She, Eric, Ridge, Brooke and Thorne gathered before the reporters.

“What do you plan to do after the destruction from the fire?”, led the first question.

“We plan to rebuild. It will take a while and we are forced to drop a few lines and the springshowing. We´re now concentrating on the main line. We will drop the princess line and Brooke´s bedroom the first few months”, Brooke answered.

“We heared you had some difficulties with stocks. Could you straighten us out?”, was the other question.

“There´s a big change ahead. But I think I´ll let Mrs. Forrester answer that question”, Brooke said as she backed away from the microphone. Stephanie went up to it.

“Yes, there will be some big changes. Brooke Logan and my husband no longer owns stock in the company. I am sole owner of Forrester creations from now on.”, Stephanie announced as every photographers started taking pictures like crazy.

“How did that happen?”, a reporter asked.

“That´s not important. What is important however is the changes I am making. I have yet to hire a CEO.”

“Ms Logan won´t continue?”, someone asked.

“No, she won´t”, she said as she turned to Brooke. She was furious, but didn´t expect anything less.

“Who will take over after Ms Logan? Mr. Forrester?”, a reporter asked.

“No. I have another canidate for the job. I have thought about this long and hard and come to a decision. I was thinking about Eric or Ridge, but they declined. That left my other son, Thorne. But I don´t think he would want the position. And since I want the company to stay in the family, I have another offer yet to make. Kristen, Felicia… Would you like to step up here please.”, Stephanie asked her daughters who didn´t know what to think, but they did as she asked.

“I have an offer to make you both. And I want you to think carefully about it. Would you two, together want to run Forrester creations?”, she asked them.

“Wow… Mother! I don´t know what to say…”, Kristen said.

“I know it´s a big decision. And I don´t expect an answer right now.”, Stephanie continued.

“Why us? We never worked at Forrester before. We don´t know how to run a company”, Felicia commented.

“I know that. But you can learn. Your father and your brothers and me would of course be there and you could come to us for advice anytime.”

“I don´t know about you Kris, but I accept the offer”, Felicia said.

“Then I´m in too”, Kristen said.

“Are you absolutely sure about this? It won´t be easy. I can guarantee that. You will spend a lot of time at the office. You will have an awful lot of pressure on you all the time”, Stephanie said as she tried to make sure they were into this to 100%.

“We know what it takes. We grew up with it, watching you and dad run the company.”, Kristen said.

“Good point. But it´s a totally different thing to watch someone run a company and actually running a company”, Eric bumped into the discussion.

“But with your help, I think we can pull it off”, Felicia said.

“Then it´s settled.”, Stephanie said as she shook hands with her daughters. The partyguests applauded and took pictures.

“Let´s continue the pressconferance now”, Felicia said as new co-CEO of Forrester creations.

The first few questions were to Kristen, Felicia and Stephanie about the changes. Felicia and Kristen couldn´t answer much about the future of the company before getting into the business and only answered what they could. Then the questions changed…

“How did it feel, MRS Forrester, to be suspected in the kidnapping of Ms. Logan?”, someone asked.

“I was a suspect because of my estranged relation with Ms Logan. And because of my lack of alibi. As an outsider, I can´t blame them for suspecting me. I would of course be a logic suspect considering my differences with Ms. Logan. They were only doing their job in trying to find the guilty. I was released after a few hours when they wrote me off as a suspect.”, Stephanie explained.

“But you did try to kill Ms. Logan at another time?”, someone asked.

“You shouldn´t listen to rumors. What happened that time was far more complicated than that. I did not wish Ms. Logan dead.”, Stephanie replied honestly. Yes, she almost strangled Brooke, but she wasn´t herself at the time. She couldn´t think straight after finding out about Brooke and Thorne. She had regretted it after she had realized what she had almost done. She couldn´t even remember the knife incident the same night since she was drugged by sleeping pills at the time.

“Ms. Logan, you have been with three men in the same family. Is there a forth Forrester man in sight for you?”, another gossipreporter asked. Brooke was offended by the question and went to the microphone.

“No there is not and there never will be. I have a new man in my life and he is not a Forrester.”, Brooke said.

“How is your relationship with Mrs. Forrester these days?”, someone asked.

“My relationship with Mrs. Forrester has not changed. We have our differences like we always has have. I think we can leave it at that”, Brooke answered. “How did you feel about losing your stocks and being fired from the company?”

“The company has meant very much to me and I have proven myself to be a damn good businesswoman. But I am not bitter. I think it´s time for me to concentrate on what is really important for now on. Family. I wish all the best to Kristen and Felicia and think Stephanie Forrester did a good decision for the future of her company.”, Brooke said as she and Stephanie exchanged looks. Not hateful looks for a change. They both knew they were out of each others life and was happy about that. It was almost like they buried the hatchet to move on with their lives. Brooke gracefully left the spotlight and went back to her family and Gregory.

The next question was for Eric and Ridge and their feelings about the new CEO´s.

“I think it´s for the best. Forrester creations is a familycompany and me and my wife´s wish has always been for it to be passed on from generation to generation. We will all be there for them and help them if they need it. I am very proud of my daughters and believe that they will do a great job in bringing up the company from the bottom where we are right now. They have my full trust”, Eric announced.

“I have to say the same. There´s no doubt in my mind that my sisters will be good for the company. They have the brains and the experience.”, Ridge said.

“Thorne, do you feel cheated for not getting the position?”, someone asked.

“Not at all. My mother knows me enough to know that I would never enjoy it. I am not a leader, and quite frankly I don´t feel any need to be one either. I like my current job and feel like I can contribute better where I am today. My sisters have my trust and I know they will succeed.”, Thorne said as he smiled at his sisters in his batman suit.

“We have to ask, what what that kiss with Mrs Logan all about earlier, Mr. Forrester?”, a reporter asked. “How do you feel about it, Mrs. Forrester?”

“That was only a kiss from one friend to another. Nothing more.”, Eric said as he ended the pressconferance and wondered who invited the gossipcolumnists.

The Italian Machiavelli aka Massimo Marone arrived to the mansion. He was determinded and powerful – and very dangerous. He withheld information and he was going to speak. His bodylanguage was strong and he cought everyone´s attention. No one in the Forrester family was happy to see him. But the Spectra´s were. The vibes in the air told everyone to stay back.

“I wonder why he came… I don´t think for a minute that Eric invited him. He must have something big on his mind”, Mae West (Sally) speculated.

“Something that could bring down the Forresters perhaps”, Valintino (Adam) commented smugly.

“Let´s hope so”, Zeus (Clarke) agreed.

Massimo took over the entire room. He marched right in and his Machiavelli coat flew in the wind he made by the speed of his steps.

“What is he doing here?”, Eric asked.

“I don’t know, but I have a bad feeling about it”, Ridge replied.

“Step aside. I have something I must say”, Massimo said as he went up to the Forresters.

“What are you doing?”, Stephanie asked him upset.

“You´ll find out soon, my beloved Marquise”, Massimo said as he took the microphone in his hand. The guests quiet down to hear what he had to say.

“What is the big announcement, Mr Marone?”, a reporter asked.

“I have just received a very important call. I need to share the information with all of you. I apologize the ones concerned for taking this public, but it is for the best. Everyone will know.”, Massimo said. Eric was annoyed by his being there. Beth on the other hand was not. She knew Massimo was up to something big and she hoped it would mean a break-up for Eric and Stephanie. She secretly crossed her fingers.

“Just say what you has to say and then leave”, Eric told Massimo.

“I don´t think you should be so smug, Eric. You won´t like what I have to say”, Massimo smiled at Eric teasingly.

“Stop it, both of you. Make your announcement now and don´t waste everyone´s time”, Stephanie said.

“This call… It came as a total surprise. I´m still chocked. I have a son!”, Massimo said. Morgan sighed. Now it was time for it to be revealed to the world, the fact she wished to God was false.

“You have a son…?”, a reporter asked and was disappointed. He wanted something juicy.

“Now just any son. I share him with the woman I love most in this world”, he said as everyone´s eyes turned to Stephanie who didn´t know what to think.

“Ridge Forrester is my son, not Eric Forresters!”, Massimo announced.

“WHAT?”, Ridge yelled out.

“How dare you!?”, Eric yelled and grabbed hold of Massimo and glared raged into his eyes.

“Let go of me, Eric. It´s true. Ridge is my son, not yours.”, Massimo said again and ripped off Eric´s hand off of him. The flashes blinded everyone but no one even noticed it. They were all to wrapped up in what was going on with the Forresters.

“It´s not true… It´s not!”, Stephanie said to herself.

“Ha ha ha! This is marvellous!”, Sally laughed to herself.

“The Forresters are down and out!”, Adam cheered.

“Oh my God! I don´t believe this…”, Brooke mumbled.

“Ridge is not dad´s son? He´s not our half brother!?”, Bridget said shocked to her brother.

“I think I should go home”, Miranda told Rick.

“No wait”, Rick told her.

“I think I´d better. I´ll call you tomorrow”, Miranda left.

“Stephanie? Is this true? Is Massimo the father of Ridge?”, Eric asked very upset.

“No! No, he can´t be. No… No…”, Stephanie was very confused but sure of herself.

Kristen, Felicia and Thorne left them there to send home the guests. It was almost impossible. No one wanted to leave. They had to threaten them to leave and eventually they were gone. Thorne headed over to the Spectra group.

“Leave now”, he ordered them.

“Oh, no! Not a chance. I want to see where this is going.”, Sally said.

“Sally, now is not the time. Show some respect”, he asked.

“Respect? Where were your respect when you showed up at my daughter´s funeral despite my warnings? Why should I show respect to you now?”, Sally asked him.

“Please, Sally… Not that again! I went to the funeral because I loved Macy. She was my wife. I know you don´t believe me, but I did love and cherish her more than words can say”

“And yet you had an affair with Brooke Logan! You are a typical Forrester. Or are you also a Marone like your broth… your former brother?”, Sally said as she left with the others right behind her. Brooke, Gregory and the others also left. Beth hid behind a wall to listen into the heated discussion.

“Why are you doing this? Why?”, Stephanie asked Massimo.

“Why? Because I have a son I didn´t know of. Why didn´t you tell me, Stephanie?”, Massimo asked.

“I am not your son. Get that through your thick head. I don´t know why you are doing this, but I want it to stop now! How could you say such a thing infront of media?”, Ridge asked angrily.

“Because it is the truth! Ask your mother!”, Massimo demanded.

“It´s not true. I swear! Where did you get this so called information anyway?”, Stephanie yelled.

“From a lab. They ran the test twice. Why don´t you get tested, Ridge? Prove me wrong! Take a paternitytest!”, Massimo suggested.

“Okay. I will do that. Just to prove what kind of man you are to storm inside and make such an outrageous statement. First thing tomorrow”, Ridge announced and grabbed Massimo´s coat and led him out of the mansion as the others stood left in their places to cultivate on the night´s happenings.

“Let´s just see who´s right.”, Massimo said to Ridge as he smashed the door in Massimo´s face.
