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Canadian Christian Banner Network

Canadian Christian Top Ten

hosted by

November 16/07 update:

Well it's been almost a whole year since I've done ANYTHING here. However, I'm guessing someone is checking it out seeing as I'm sure there wasn't 31 visitors when I checked last. The past year has been somewhat of a roller coaster ride. My wife, her parents and I traveled to California for Christmas last year. We were fortunate enough to be able to see "The Glory of Christmas" play at the Crystal Cathedral. It was somewhat timely for me as early that day I got a call from my Mom back home in Ontario to tell me that my aunt had passed on Christmas day night in her sleep.. Things haven't been overly kind in that respect in 2007. My wife lost her dad's dad, then in July her father passed suddenly. It's been tough but we are all hanging in. I've decided to see if this would be able to work out again..... I've gotten a promotion (well 2) at work and that's been pressing my time but maybe I could update once a month.

Let me know what you think


What This Page is About

I've been looking around the net for about a year now for a website or canadian radio station that is doing a TOP TEN program showcasing the Top 10 songs by Canadian Christian Bands on Canadian radio.

Well now I've done it.

This is it.

However, I need help. I can't be listening to every Canadian Christian radio station. Actually I don't have enough time to Listen to Shine FM here in Edmonton.

Here's the plan then:

Email me HERE to get added to the 'list finders' and tell me when you hear your favourite CANADIAN CHRISTIAN band on a top ten or top 20 list.

Also, every month I'm hoping to feature an emerging local band.

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The listed Bands, and Radio Stations

Hawk Nelson
Thousand Foot Krutch
Shine FM- Calgary and Edmonton

Canadian Christian Banner Network