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The Many Loves of Cat

Hi, I'm Catherine. I'm a big loser and I've made a page for my random crushes and for people who I think are just plain cool. These are just a few to get started on. Maybe I'll be even more of a loser later and update it to include the others. What can I say? I'm such a girl.

Ok, let's start with Dave Gorman.

This British comedian is perhaps the funniest man on earth today, and has brought meaning to the term "documentary comedy." His most recent work is "Are You Dave Gorman?" where he searched for more people named Dave Gorman.

Dave's cartoon will take you to his site.

Dave's flatmate, Danny Wallace, isn't too shabby neither.

But I know even less about Danny as I have not read their book yet and the show focused mostly on Dave. But Danny seems quite nice.

Click on the badge below to go to Danny's site.

(After I made this bit of the site, I emailed Dave and Danny asking for permission to use these pictures from their respective websites. No word back from Dave yet, but Danny wrote me back and said that I could "do what I like" and that he was "flattered." He was so nice. And he actually emailed me! How cool is that? And don't worry, I'll update you when I hear back from Dave.)

Ok, let's move on...

Peter Cook (on the left)

British comedian

The first photo is from a scene in Bedazzled (1967), written by Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. In it, Stanley Moon (Moore) is an unhappy cook who tries to hang himself, but can't even do that. Enter George Spiggott, the deadpan Devil (Cook), who grants Stanley 7 wishes in exchange for his soul, and manages to find the loophole in every one.

Click on the image below to go to The Establishment.

And now, an new very favorite excellent...yes, that's right, it's...

John Mayer!

Oh my I love him so.

Click on the Room For Squares cover art to go to his official website.

Well, I can only stay in the States for so long, you know. So...

back across the pond we go...

The Beatles

Well, what can I say? It's the Beatles. John, Paul, George, and Ringo - my favorite band of all time.

Most of the pictures above are from the Norwegian Beatles Page (I know, how cool is that?). Click on the picture below to go there.

We're not finished. Do you want to go to the next page?

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