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raging indie


i have been wondering ALL DAY whether i had the date right. not a single one of my teachers had the date on their board today, so I went around all day trusting that it was the 21st. hey, it's a monday. how can anyone blame me for not wanting to think?

oh and by the way- God helps me with my Algebra 2 homework. I love you, Lord. : )



well, it has indeed been awhile. so, what have i been up to? lacrosse has been interesting, though wall ball kicks my BUTT. ha-(i just started this year). Grimsley once again lost to Page, BUT the game was VERY CLOSE and VERY EXCITING and, needless to say, very disappointing in the end, but that's alright. c'est la vie. School is frighteningly crazy as usual, but the good Lord gets me through every day and keeps me from killing myself, so I am very thankful. I have been in a nostalgic state today- it's one of those "emily-misses-camp-so-she's-gonna-play-camp-songs-and-look-at-pictures-and-read-letters-and-reminisce-for-5-hours-in-her-room-so-don't-bother-her" sort of days. hmm...well, I've been praying hard lately for various people and I feel like my prayers will be answered. It's time for bed, though, so good night to all.



and uh big hallo to you guys. alright- got a letter from Marlo today- she's living in Florida with a friend. it had all these weird stickers on it- I was like "what is this? marlo-marlo- where's my hippie marlo?" anywho. ha. so.......... ARISE was, in a tee tiny nutshell, an INCREDIBLE and divine experience. I could see that God had worked hard to get all of those people there, and those that I met were awesome! I'm so glad I went. I applied to work on the team- I hope so much that I can. =)It's in January. Meanwhile I've been telling everyone and their brother that they HAVE to go- (which is true), but I don't think I'm allowed to sponsor like 50 people. haha. well, that's okay. So far I know that Vanessa and Sara K. want to go, and I think Sara L. and I want Amanda to go too, and Annie too. Annie is this really sweet girl in my creative writing class. so, wow. i'm marching tonight. at 6:30. and I'm so glad that I met elena and tiffany and betsy and andrew on arise. this year is pretty cool so far. i start lax tomorrow and i've never touched a stick in my life. hm.......what a refreshing new challenge! HA! well, I should leave. goodbye to all. God loves you and so do I.

-emilia/tabita en mi clase de espanol.


hello to all. school, is going well. i really like my teachers this year. they are pretty laid back. I'm going to ARISE this weekend. I'm so excited! yay! anyways- so this kid in my spanish class who i never talk to (a freshman) turns around today and asks me if i wanna do something friday night. i was like- ummm....i'm......babysitting. gotta make money, yah know?. haha- it was SO lame. =) well, pretty much just because i haven't been on a date in forever and aren't accustomed to turning people down. haha. but i mean, he's younger and scrawnier than me- what is THIS? ha ha. anyways- hm....I wonder how robin and steven are doing backpacking in colorado? i hope well. my creative writing class rocks. my teacher is great. today we wrote down 50 words that we really liked just because of their sounds and made something out of them. it sounds completely abstract, but there was definitely some depth in there. i mean, just the words that you pick can show the kind of person you are. anywho- not going off the deep end or anything. my mexico bracelet needs duct taping. hoopstick! well, see you guys later.



okay- so my book on vegetarianism is 5 days overdue. what's up with this? they charge like a quarter of a cent a day for overdue books. ha. what if you came in one day and they were like "you owe three and a half cents." and you're like "umm.......okay- keep the change". unless you want to split hairs over it and try and cut a penny in half- but what good would that do? nobody takes half-pennies! ha. so- not really dreading the start of school- just dreading the start of homework and projects and studying. ha. working hard really isn't my actually, i'm looking forward to seeing old friends. my school still isn't air-conditioned. and now there're construction crews ALL over the place. and where on earth are we going to have band class? mmmmm......ha. oh, i miss mexico so much! i miss camp so much! agh....these summers are so odd and wonderful and life-changing but in a very fleeting, twinkling, dusk-like sort of way. hmm! yay! okay- so here's my poetic side re-showing itself after awhile far far underneath my skin. i'm in a creative writing class this year. i think it will be a great learning experience. oh dear- am i ever going to know what it's like to sleep again? answer: not until the next weekend, at least. ha.'s incredibly hot here. agh- a wonderful day to be a citizen of north carolina. yah know- i really should kick this sarcasm habit. when it cools off this evening i think i'll take a run. i'm supposed to write an article on mexico for the church newspaper.......well.....i'm stuck. it's so hard to write! i have to slim things down- otherwise it'd be twelve pages! arg...people! get online and talk to me! well- i should run.

- soy emilia


hello everyone! alright, so mexico was the most incredible experience i have ever had and i am so blessed to have been able to go on it! yay for jesus! haha. i'm a hoe for the lord. well, anyways. so i met incredible, beautiful people and my life was changed. i'm looking forward to this upcoming year because i'm getting the sense that it holds a whole lot of promise for me. anyways, i'm so lucky to have parents that respect my decisions. i was looking at the GSYO schedule and it freaked the hell out of me because there was SO much time involved. so i made the conscious decision to cancel my audition and delay GSYO for a year. i definitely think i did the right thing, yah know? i mean i thought and prayed about it for a while so...anyways. mexico get-together tomorrow night at the vails' and i'm too psyched. haha. emily has no life. oh well. see you guys!



hello again to all of humanity! how is everyone doing? okay, so yesterday- my PSEUDO audition! haha. well, it turns out dad got the date wrong and it isn't for another two weeks. YAY! and this time around maybe i'll be prepared. haha. (yah right....i never learn my lessons.....). so i'm going to my mom's News and Record picnic. yipeee!!! not. looks like i'll be eating bean salads and fruit again. haha. oh well. i'll just sit alone and crochet. my hat is really cool. it has all sorts of colors in it. oh dear GOD i NEED ASPIRIN!!!!!!! arg....fellow womyn, yah know the feeling. ha. so, i'm leaving for mexico tomorrow morning! i get to wake up at 3:45!!!!!! (yes, that's 3:45 in the morning....)gotta be to the airport around 5:00. plane leaves at 6:25 a.m.! YAY! I'M SOO EXCITED! haha! alright, so I have to wear this mexico trip shirt and, well, it's like a triple X large. arg.... it could pass for a robe! ah. well, i'll make it work. i am wonderwoman, after all, right? ha. well, must....scavenge..for......ibuprofen.....haha. goodbye!


me.....if you care to read

what is new

really cool lyrics

random thingie for the day

lauren's page
guitar tabs
if you're bored.....
ani difranco
my camp's site
greenpeace site. yay for nature!
alix olson- raging femme, check 'er out, she rocks!
Ministerio De Fe- organization that my mission crew worked with in Mexico 2002!
