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The broadcast of the honor ceremony beams out all across the galaxy. A stoic Hackett stands beside an even more grim Admiral Anderson in the middle of the rubble of Vancouver on Earth.

“And though we lost countless lives to these aggressors who sought to take what wasn’t theirs, the heroic efforts and noble sacrifices of all those who fought the reapers, wherever they may have hailed from, will always be remembered an honored. Let this memorial stand throughout all the ages as a testamont to the bond that binds all the species together. We will never forget.”

The screen shows Hackett moving to the side for Admiral Hackett to deliver a eulogy for those lost on Earth.

Garrus turns away from the projection and walks across the walkway to the edge of what remains of the Cipritine hospital. He sighs in disbelief as Genevieve walks up beside him.

“It’s terrible,” she says looking over the devestation of the capital city.

“Yeah, but at least there are parts of the city still standing. So many other places were left in complete and utter ruins.”

Genevieve looks up at him, “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Garrus looks down at her, “Are you kidding? I think we have to. We have to begin the rebuilding some way. And if you’re game, so am I.”

She nods and takes his hand. They walk into a portion of the building still standing and meet the doctor managing the survivor efforts.

“So, you’re set then?” the doctor asks.

“Yes,” Genevieve replies.

“Absolutely,” Garrus nods.

The doctor takes them to the emergency quarters where metallic tents have been set up to protect the people from the uv of the sun.

“Alright. I’ll leave you to get introduced.”

As the doctor leaves, Genevieve kneels down before a young turian child. He fiddles with his fingers awkwardly.

“Hi there. What’s your name?”

“Turel…” he quietly says.

Genevieve takes his hands in hers and she smiles at him, “Well, Turel, you’re going to come home with us, okay? We promise, we’re not going to let anything happen to you?”

Garrus nods, “That’s right. She’s a general and doesn’t take guff from anyone,” he gives a soft laugh. “You can, uh, trust me on that.”

“Okay…” Turel says and goes with Genevieve and Garrus.


The Normandy zooms away from Palaven. On the bridge, Joker and EDI sit in their respective seats. There is a long moment of silence with neither one of them saying anything to each other. Then Joker sighs and looks to EDI.

“You know, Shepard gave me her apartment on the Citadel. I say we should go and…check it out.”

EDI cocks her head at him, “Jeff, I said I’d always be there for you not that I’d be your personal sexbot.”

Joker waves his hands, “No, no! That’s not what I was saying! I was just, you know, saying, that, yeah, it…it would be cool to just, you know, relax and get away from all this…you know, the crazy crap we just did! Not that I was trying to get freaky with you! Not at all!”

EDI stares at him, “You’re cute when you’re flustered. You have no idea how easy it is to manipulate you.”

Joker stares at her with a nearly straight face and she shakes her head, “Let’s go.”

He puckers his lips, “Are you serious!? Oh shit, then we are out of here.”

“Do you think Shepard will be alright on Palaven?”

Joker looks to EDI, “Are you serious? Of course she will be. She’s Shepard. Retired General and savior of the galaxy! What could go wrong?”

The Normandy slices through space and enters FTL drive as it heads towards the Trebia Relay.


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