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VI~On Teenage Pregnancies~VI

Terrance Tambini stared at the ultra-sound in amazement. He could see the outline of the unborn child on the black and white monitor and, thanks to a speaker setup, could hear his son's heartbeat. A smile crept its way across his face and he looked at Kraven, who held his hand from where she lay on the hospital bed. They had come for their monthly checkup, probably their last before the birth. His smile slightly slipped, not because of the deep gaze of Kraven, but because he was still a little uncomfortable with his new role; or, rather, roles.

"Well, it looks like everything is looking to be just fine. He's going to be a healthy child," Doctor Sato Squitavian said from where he stood by the monitor.

The doctor was a kindly man of near eastern decent. His great grandfather hailed from the Indonesia Confederacy and had immigrated to the European Union to escape an oppressive regime. Which is why the six-foot-two-inch great grandson of that brave man could be standing before the two lucky parents from the superhero group "The Lean Titans." Not that he was a man to be impressed with superheroics. However, Terrance had come to respect him as a very reputable professional.

"That's good to hear, doctor," Kraven responded and closed her eyes for a second.

"Well, I'll let you get dressed. The nurse will be back with you in a few minutes. No further ultra-sounds should be needed before the big event. So, I'll see you when the time comes." Doctor Squitavian said and exited the room leaving Kraven and Terrance to their own devices.

Kraven kept her eyes shut and lay there looking relaxed. Which was preferrable, especially considering how tense she had been during the first few months of the pregnancy. Terrance remembered it well. He had inadvertantly started a little bit of chaos.

"You're pregnant? So, uh, what do you want to do? abortion?"

"An abortion!? How could you even consider that!?"

Kraven had been completely furious over the suggestion and walked from the room. For several days afterwards, she had given him the cold shoulder. Terrance had tried apologizing several times, because he'd only meant it as an option not an absolute. However, she didn't take it quite that way.

"Look, I didn't mean anything by you...and, uhm, this is really cool and, uh, I think we can do this," Terrance remembered pleading after about a week of the silent treatment.

The two of them hadn't been able to participate much in the superheroic activities of the team. Which left a lot of time to lounge around the headquarters. Kraven had become almost reclusive which, of course, weighed heavily on Terrance. So he made a point of spending as much time around her as possible, even if she was ignoring him.

However, his heartfelt apology had worked and they had decided to figure out how best to proceed in light of current events.

Why's it always the dude that has to apologize? he wondered internally as he sat next to Kraven in contemplation. She still had her eyes closed implying she was in a meditative state, ...or the illusion of one, anyhow. Can't believe how much has changed recently.

It had been a leap of faith for Terrance. They had donned their civilian clothing, he wore his blue jeans and black 'T' with his favorite band logo and she a plaid skirt and green tank top complete with purple lipstick~she had a thing for goth, and together they took a walk in the local park.

Kraven's black hair was blowing in the wind making her look very angelic to him. He couldn't have felt more attracted to her if he'd tried. The roots of her hair were showing slight white, Terrance knew she had naturally white hair, which demonstrated that she hadn't been feeling as energetic as usual. This had sort of worried him. Which is why he hoped what he would do next would lift her spirits some.

They had walked to the center of the lush park, filled with trees and winding walkways, and came near the fountain with a strange cupid sculpture spitting water. He'd always found it kind of silly. However, he figured it would serve his purpose just fine. He had beckoned Kraven to take a seat, which she happily did since she was somewhat tired.

"Look, I know things have gone a little quickly for us recently," his voice slightly hesitant as he spoke. "and I suspect that, uh, things will continue to get a little more complex. So, you know, I...uh...ugh...why's this so hard?"

Kraven looked him in the eyes and smiled. She took his hand in hers and waited for him to continue. Terrance looked a little antsy for a moment and then got down on one knee which had taken Kraven by surprise. She stared at him with a startled expression, but still gripped his hand; a little tighter than she had, yet still embraced.

"I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that I'd like to face those complexities with you and, uh, not shirk my end of the bargain? That doesn't sound quite right...I care about you and about this family we seem to be starting. So, uh, would my wife? Will you marry me?" Terrance quivered as he asked a question he'd always found entirely cliche'.

"Wooa, I didn't expect that. Though, I probably should have," Kraven trembled visibly, though she had tried hard to not let it show.

Terrance held forth a ring he had fashioned from coral he'd retrieved on one of the Titan's fights against some underwater villain or another. He didn't remember what lamebrain they had been fighting that day. He just knew the coral had the right coloration to it and that he could whittle it down into something pretty. He hoped it was the right size.

Kraven looked at the proffered ring and was both frightened and overjoyed. She tried to hide the smile crossing her lips and continued to hold on to Terrance's hand. She wasn't sure what to do, though she managed to stifle her smile for a moment as she cast a serious gaze at her boyfriend.

"This isn't because I'm pregnant, is it?" she inquired.

"No...not really. Since we've been going out, I've toyed with the idea. This has just, y'know, sorta sped things along. Heh...uh, so what do you say? Cause, I made this myself, y'know..." he said, feeling his heart race uncontrollably and perspiration bead at his forehead.

"...yes," Kraven responded after a silent moment with shining eyes, her left hand held out.

He had slid the ring on her finger and shared an embrace with her. After several moments, she drew back and looked him in the eyes.

"I think there's something I should tell you first," she started.

"Uh, what would that be? I already know you're pregnant," he queried with a quirked eyebrow.

"I've never told you my real name. Syanna Feilynia," she continued.

"'Syanna'...that's a nice name," Terrance replied.

The wedding had been small, with only the other team members and some auxillary family attending. Fortunately, no one wore their uniform. Unfortunately, Rufus wore some guady plaid number, a designer tuxedo, or what passed for a tuxedo. Seeing a fatman in a plaid suit wasn't the most flattering sight.

Though it was fast, Terrance didn't regret the choice. He knew they could make it regardless of events playing out. The big issue would be how to handle being members of the team while also being parents. He'd never heard anything on the matter from other superheroes, so he knew they'd be making it all up as they went along.

Kraven opened her eyes and looked up at Terrance. A silent moment passed between them before she smiled and spoke to him.

"So, you ready to go home?" she inquired, the happiness within her beaming from her visage.

"Yeah, very much so," he responded in kind.


Daylight was receding in the cloudless sky as the sun was setting beyond the horizon. Yellow-orange rays bounced off the sides of glossy buildings, blinding any who dared stare at them. Standing at the edge of a metal overhang, a Sectarian gazed down upon the city. His dark-red trenchcoat billowed in the gentle wind that was caressing the cityscape. His leather-hide body suit heightened his finely honed physique. Three trunks hung from the Sectarian's head as he waited for the opportune moment.


Sato Squitavian exited the hospital via the second floor route to the adjacent garage. It had been a long day for him. Though, the night would prove to be even longer. His tan Fiorde Probe awaited at the far end of the darkening parking facility. Footsteps echoed off the false plexi-crete walls as he halved the distance to his vehicle, whistling contentedly all the way. Such joviality was short-lived, however.

"The time is come, Squitavian," a voice spoke from the shadows.

"Eh?" Sato responded, coming to a halt and casting his glance around the garage.

He couldn't tell where the voice had come from. Shadows evilly danced all around, forecasting the coming doom. He was helpless to stop the chaos that would soon engulf the world, yet he could reserve a place for himself in the anals of corrupted history. A figure stepped from behind a support column and motioned for him to near.

"Our master grows impatient," the being said.

"Auric..." Sato's voice squeaked. "I hadn't expected you so soon. This is not a good time..."

"Concern yourself not with this triviality. The artifact must be retrieved soon. You know where it is, yes?" the Sectarian inquired, his dark-red coat wrapping around his form.

"Well, yes," Sato responded, staring at the trailing mane of dark hair barely illuminated by the bio-bulbs of the garage. "It's just that, why now? I thought the advance was at least a year away?"

Sato couldn't see the Sectarian's eyes, but he could feel the heat of his penetrating gaze. There would be no further delaying of what he must do. Even though he liked the two kids, his mission dictated acquiring the artifact.

"Matters have been brought forth. Expect to hear from me within two months. I have come this day to inform you to begin preparations." Auric spoke menacingly.

"O...of course. I will be ready," he replied.

Auric turned back into the shadows and disappeared, leaving a very disturbed and frightened Sato Squitavian behind to contemplate the immediate future.


Terrance was a little panicked. He wasn't looking forward to the evening's events and was running around his room like a chicken with its head cut off. Kraven watched him in amusement, taking in the scene of her husband struggling to find the right thing to wear. Soon, though, she witnessed him kneeling before a globe and its stand, some heirloom that had been passed down to him by his father, before he had met an untimely demise. She frowned in recollection of a story Terrance had once told her, yet was hard pressed to remember anything to do with praying to the device.

"What are you doing?" she inquired, pulling a tan and white sweater on to compliment the denim coverall dress she wore.

"Praying to my ancestors, 'please, please, let this evening go well! Grandfathers, help me to not act like a fool!'" Terrance plead, his hands clasped in prayer before his face.

"I don't think any amount of prayer is going to help you there," she quipped and wrapped her arms around him, kneeling just behind his form. "Besides, you'll do fine. You've never mentioned anything about this being holy or anything."

"Well, it's not holy, per se. It has been in the family for centuries, though. And all Tambini's pray to their ancestors for guidance and assistance," he informed her, keeping his eyes fixated on the globe. "My father used to say that our distant grandfather, of the Tamboline namesake, started this ritual of prayer to the forefathers. But, that's just what my father said. Right now, I'm just scared out of my mind."

Kraven kissed him on the back of his neck and rubbed her right hand through his hair. The opalescent sheen of the stand caught her attention and she stared at it for a few moments as Terrance continued his ritual.

"Is that real opal?" she inquired, pointing at the globe's stand.

"You know, I don't have any idea. I've never really thought about it, though it is cool looking," he responded and patted her left hand. "So, how do I look?"

Terrance stood up and turned around for her to look at his blue dress pants and purple turtleneck. His black penny loafers completed the ensemble.

"You look like a dork," she smiled as he groaned. "But, you're my dork and my parents will have to accept you as just that."

"You think they will?" he wondered, pulling her towards him.

"I think so. If they can get past this pot-belly," she said, rubbing her stomach.

"Ah, it's not that big. You should relax. Besides, it won't be that size for much longer," Terrance consoled with a smile.

"Well, we've put this off for long enough. Let's go," Kraven commanded, grabbing his hand.

"You don't think they'll be mad that we never met before, do you? Cause, I'd hate for them to think I'm some sort of, heh, reject or something," Terrance rubbed the back of his head with his left hand and issued forth a frail chuckle.

"They might be a little upset. But, we're in the superhero biz, how bad can it be?" Kraven inquired with a smile as they turned out the lights to their room and left.


"Just look what you've done to our daughter!!" screamed Kraven's father, as he stood menacingly before the two sitting on the couch, their faces taut.

Eric Feilynia stood five-foot-ten-inches tall and had short brown hair, which was very frazzled at that moment. His sturdy one-hundred-ninety-five pound frame shuddered under his furious outburst. It seemed to Terrance that the muscle under his tight, button-up white shirt was in danger of bursting through the delicate material and smacking him around for a few minutes just for fun.

"Oh, god, where did I go wrong!? I must have been a horrible mother!" Annette Feilynia guilted her way into the fury.

She was a small woman at only five-foot-four-inches and weighing somewhere along the lines of one-hundred and seven pounds. Her solid blue dress danced with the motion of the agitated woman who was crying insatiably at the mere thought of her pregnant daughter. At least, Terrance assumed that was the reasoning. One never knew anything when it came to assuming things, for there was that old saying about when a person will 'assume,' that being making an 'ass out of u and me.' Though, the parents were doing a pretty good job of that as they were.

"How do you expect to take care of Syanna, huh!? You're just a child! You don't know what real responsibilities are!" he shouted, pointing his finger at Terrance.

"Uh, well, I have a job..." Terrance tried to respond.

"Doing what, 'beating up the bad guys'!?" Eric sarcastically mused in response to Terrance.

"That's one of them, yeah, but there's also..." Terrance tried to be as polite as he could as he pled his case.

"Oh, my poor baby!" Annette cried out from where she stood behind her husband.

Kraven sat there, staring at her parents. Terrance didn't know what was going on in her head, though she looked anything but pleased. He could tell that she was getting extremely agitated, to put matters lightly. Everything had been going all right through dinner and a little conversation. Then, suddenly, the parents started throwing accusations out at Terrance when they had come into the living room. Syanna had sat through the chaos the best she could, yet her parents were getting even more enraged by the second. Then, she had had enough and stood up in a rage.

"That's it!" Kraven shouted. "We came over here to get a little family time, to explain what's been going on with me! I expected a little more compassion and understanding from you than this!"

"What did you expect us to say? Oh, it's all right dear, you go and get yourself knocked up by any S.O.B. that comes along!?" Eric exclaimed with erratic motions of his arms.

"Excuse me!? That's my husband you're talking about!" Kraven screamed back with her own erratic hand gestures towards Terrance.

"Uhm, that's ok..." Terrance peeped finding himself desiring ever so badly to curl up into a fetal position and suck his thumb.

"No, it's not ok, Terrance!" Kraven responded, her fury brewing.

"You know, that's another thing, you just run off and get married..." Annette started.

"Run off!? Hello, I'm on a superhero team! I haven't lived at home for a while! A fact in which you agreed to..." Kraven continued.

"You're seventeen! We didn't think you would be out there whoring around!" issued forth the irrational scream from Eric.

"What!? Uhhnnnnnnrrrgh!! Come on, Terrance!" Kraven grunted and grabbed him by his right arm, pulling him to his feet.

"Uhm, it was a nice dinner, Mrs. Feilynia...thanks..." Terrance spoke quietly as Kraven ushered him through the front door, angry words being hurled at them from Eric as they retreated.

Once they were outside, and Kraven had slammed the door behind them, Terrance tried to smile at his wife. It came off as more of a 'what the...?' smirk, than anything else. Kraven didn't bother smiling back. She was as furious as an angry hornet.

"Well, that went well," Terrance quipped, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh, shut up," came the response from Kraven. "Just get in the damned car. I just can't believe them!" Kraven shouted from the passenger seat as Terrance got behind the wheel.

"Oh, I don't know, it could have been worse," Terrance stated, starting the vehicle.

The blue Levy Quintessa purred to life. It was one of the older vehicles that the Titans used and was one of Terrance's favorites. It was basically a four door sedan, yet it had a lot of horsepower. The angular features of the car made it ahead of its time.

"'It could have been worse'? Were you even there, Terrance?" Kraven huffed, yanking her seatbelt across her bulging stomach.

"I tried not to be," he responded. "Look, it's over now, so let's go home."

Terrance put the vehicle into drive and, as he did so, Kraven's eyes went wide. Her left hand reached out for his right forearm and she squeezed tightly. Terrance's eyebrows quirked as he cast a questioning glance towards his wife. She moved her lips slightly to speak.

"Maybe we should head to the hospital instead," she casually spoke, her eyes staring straight ahead.

"Uh, why?" he queried with a worried expression.

Kraven didn't answer, only looked down towards her seat and incidentally her groin area. Terrance followed her vision and saw that her dress was soaked and a liquid was dripping onto the floor. This prompted a startled eeping sound from Terrance as he hurriedly switched directions.


Robin, Sapphire and Rufus all sat on the couch in the rec room watching the massive television probably causing permanent damage to their eyes before them. It had been a long day fighting evil doers in general and they were just glad to be home.

"What's on Skinimax?" Rufus inquired of Robin.

"I am not putting on Skinimax," Robin replied, casting a hushing glance towards Rufus.

"What's Skinimax?" Sapphire innocently asked the two.

"Something we're not watching," Robin stated with a smile.

Rufus crossed his arms while Robin flipped the channel to his liking. He didn't see anything he really wanted to watch, though he was enjoying just the action of flipping.

"Why do you always get to control the remote? Why don't you let one of us flip the channels from time to time!?" Rufus questioned Robin.

"Well, I know where you'll end up...So, Sapphire, if there's something you want to watch, here you go," Robin said handing the remote to a smiling Sapphire.

"Goody!" she happily replied and started channel hopping.

"What!? Oh, give me a break!" Rufus shouted.

"So, what channel is this 'Skinimax'?" Sapphire inquired of Rufus.

Robin stared at her in disbelief. Rufus was about to tell Sapphire which channel it was on, when the television screen shifted to the panicked visage of Terrance. The three of them nearly leapt off the couch in shock before realizing what was going on, the comm receiver was initiated.

"Quick! Syanna's in labor!!" Terrance shouted, his hands running through his frazzled, mahogany hair.

"Who?" Rufus queried.

"Kraven! You know, my wife!? Your teammate!!" Terrance replied in agitation.

"I didn't know she had a first name..." Robin said.

"Will you forget about that! She's in labor! I need you to grab some things!" Terrance shouted.

"Labor!? Right! What!?" Rufus and Robin shouted out nearly simultaneously.

"What is it that you require, Terrance?" Sapphire calmly asked.

"Clothes, stuff, I don't know! What? Kraven says she has a bag already packed, just grab it from our room! Hurry up! And, uh, grab my globe," Terrance informed the team.

"Globe?" Robin wondered outloud.

"It's a...thing I do. Please, just grab it," Terrance responded.

"Right, we're on our way," Robin said as the screen went blank.


The halls were a labyrinthe to the man as he crept along what shadowy recesses he could find. He hadn't expected the Lean Titans to return so soon. However, he hoped they would remain in the rec room until he was done with the mission he'd been charged with. It wasn't long before he found the room he was looking for and he approached cautiously. The two occupants were out for the night.

As he was trying to open the lock to the room, he heard the rapid thumping of feet rushing down the hall towards where he stood at the door.

Do they know I'm here? He wondered and decided to duck into a darkened corner across the hall. Within moments, three members of the Titans were rushing into the room he'd been trying to get into. Obviously, they know the code.

"Is this it!?" the voice of Rufus called out from inside the room.

The man couldn't see what they were doing, though he stared at the room entrance from behind the ski mask he wore. They were doing something in there and were chattering noisely.

"Wait, this has to be the bag," stated the voice of Robin, the one known as Boy Blunder.

"Oh, here's the globe!" the one called Sapphire stated, though the man knew her real name to be Jeannie.

"Well, throw it into the bag and let's go," Robin said.

Seconds later, the three youths were rushing back out the door and down the hall. They were in uniform and the man could only guess that there was some mission requiring some material out of the room across the hall. He waited until their footsteps were no longer heard and went back to the door. He brought out a special device to read the locking mechanism. Several moments later, he was inside the room of Kraven and Terrance.

"Now, where is it," the man wondered as he looked around the room.

Truth be told, he really didn't know what he was looking for inside the room. He had been sent to retrieve a sacred relic. Yet, he didn't see anything that looked anything remotely like a relic. Then the man stood straight and remembered Sapphire saying something about a globe.

"Damn it..." he uttered in disdain.

A beeping noise emanated from his waistline and he pulled forth a pager he always carried. He removed the ski mask from his face and stared at the message on the digital screen of the pager phone. Dr. Sato Squitavian grimaced.

"Of course, that explains a lot," he muttered and exited the room, closing the door behind him, and headed towards the hospital where Terrance and Syanna Tambini awaited his arrival.


Terrance knelt down beside a small table in the room set aside for his wife. On the table was his globe and its sturdy stand. He performed his normal routine prayer, hoping for an easy delivery. His eyes remained closed until he heard the voice of the nurse behind him.

"Mr. Tambini ?"

"Oh, yes," Terrance answered and got to his feet as he quickly put away his globe. "Is it time?"

"Actually, your wife isn't completely dilated yet and is rather tense. Her labor pains are anywhere from five to twenty minutes apart which is making it rather difficult to predict when she'll birth. So, we decided to employ a relaxing measure. Something...therapeutic," the nurse politely replied with a genuine smile.

"Oh. Uh, how so?"


Syanna sighed in contentment as the hi-pressured water jets blasted her backside where she sat in the hot tub. When they'd rushed to the hospital, she thought that she would be delivering her child within a few hours. However, seven unrelenting hours later, she still wasn't ready and no one could tell her exactly why. There was a lot of medical terminologies being shot at her, which, at that point, she started to tune out. Then, someone suggested putting her in the hot tub. That was a suggestion she wasn't about to turn down. If it made things easier, who was she to argue?

"This is sooo unfair," a voice echoed out in the room prompting Syanna to open her eyes.

She looked towards the closing door to the spa room, which didn't offer a view of the hall from where she was, and saw her husband staring at her with wide eyes and a slight grin. The nurse was right behind him and made her way towards Syanna.

While the nurse checked some dials on the hot tub, Terrance wandered around the mechanism marveling at its sanitized construction. Bubbles popped to the surface as the tub hummed to its job and Syanna grinned back at her husband.

"Doesn't this present some sort of risk?" Terrance finally inquired of the nurse.

"How do you mean?" the woman replied as she came along the side of the tub.

"Well, I hear that the tubing can get a little dirty and bacteria can grow in it and all that," he offered waving his left hand in the air.

"That's only if it isn't cleaned properly. The piping on this tube is completely detachable which allows for the maintenance crew to clean it out the way it needs to be. So, how are you feeling, Syanna?" the nurse spoke.

"Not bad. There are some contractions every now and then. Probably about every ten minutes or so..." Syanna replied.

"That's good. That means it shouldn't be too long. Hopefully, you'll be ready to go in a few hours or so," the nurse smiled politely.

"Hopefully..." Syanna said. "Any chance Terrance can get in with me. Afterall, I am trying to relax, right?"

"I'll have to ask the doctor about that one. I don't think that may be such a wise idea," she responded to the smiling Syanna. "We don't want to introduce any extra bacteria to the birth canal."

"It was just a thought," she replied.

"I shall return shortly," the nurse said and left the spa room.

Terrance stood there looking at Syanna with a grin. She stared back and shrugged. He shook his head and walked along the side of the tub towards the end his wife lounged.

"So, you think having me in the tub with you will help you 'relax'?" he quipped and knelt down.

"Hmm, now that you bring it up, probably not," she replied with a wry expression.

"Well, you don't have to be cruel about it," Terrance said taking her hand in his. "You seem to be handling this really well. I would have thought you'd be in a lot of pain or something."

"Who says I'm not? Have you forgotten that I'm proficient in meditating?"

"I see," Terrance responded and nodded his head.

"It does get a little sharp down there from time to time. I didn't expect this would take so long," she stated, leaning back.

"I don't know anything about any of this. All I wonder is, are you going to get this kid out anytime soon?"

"...Tell me about it..." Syanna simply said and closed her eyes.


Moonlight shined brightly in the night sky as it beamed down unto the top of the main hospital in Sydney Bay. Somewhere in the building, Syanna Tambini, the Lean Titan called Kraven, was still in labor and hoping to have the child sometime soon. This wasn't a matter pressing to the two individuals that sat on the rooftop chatting happily with one another. They were Smurfs, though nowhere near associated with the manic variety that had recently plagued Don Juan.

Mario Vincent strummed his tiny guitar and sung a lovely melody to his female consort for the evening. This six-inch Adonis had rippling muscles that even human body builders would admire. His long mane of deep blue hair reflected hints of blue light emanating from the moon far above. His pearly white teeth were beacons of desire for the young Smurf woman who sat nearby watching his shirtless person sway ever so slightly in the night air.

"Oh my sweet, Smurfetta. How beautiful you are tonight," he said with a smile after finishing his serenade.

Smurfetta blushed and turned slightly away. Her white dress seemed to glow under the moonlight and her blonde locks curled enticingly for Mario. She couldn't help but to be smitten with the charming Smurf man.

"So tell me, my sweet, is it true what I hear? Are Italian Smurfs really hairy?" he inquired with a wide grin that was hypnotizing to the young lady.

"Hairy? Oh no, not at all," she replied, either too daft to note the potential insult or not caring enough to mind. "That's just an old wive's tale. It is truly a shame that that has come to be so stereotypical an interpretation of Italians. Though, there are definitely those who don't like to shave...anywhere. But, I wouldn't say that's the populace."

"Oh, how intriguing. I would have liked to discover the truth of this matter! For, were it true, you should not be ashamed! I do not mind, 'hairy.'" he smiled ruefully.

"Oh, you!" she replied with a giggle.

"Now, I must wonder, why is it you chose this place to come? It is a hospital rooftop, is it not?" the charming Mario wondered, placing his guitar down and inching closer to the grinning Smurfetta.

"It is a wonderful place to see the full moon tonight. Look, it is so blue!" she exclaimed with a hush and pointing towards the clear sky.

"Yes, indeed. It is very blue...and very large," he spoke in a low voice as he neared her neck.

"Oh, silly, it means this is a very special night,"

"I agree..." he replied as she allowed him to caress her neck.

"Great things are coming to fruition. Do you realize how rare this moon is? Why, a Smurf could live several lifetimes and never see one! They call it a 'Smurf's Moon'...though, humans tend to call it just a blue moon," she continued, staring up at the lunar spectacle.

"I am getting very blue just thinking about it," he stated, running his left hand through her hair.

"I envy any child born on this night. Just like I envy every mother who gives birth tonight. It's the reason why I'm here. I close to the natural workings of the world," she said with a smile and pulled a little away from Mario and looked him in his eyes.

"Yes, birth, very wonderful. I would be honored to be involved with such a magical process," he said and drew near again.

"You know, labors on such a night are said to be simple and that their deliveries will be made without difficulties. Such is the power of this moon. It is like the future of our world is being born this night," she said and pulled back a little more. "You understand the significance of this, right?"

"Yes, yes, very significant. Deliveries quick, labor easy. It makes me wonder about the powerful magic of the moon when one conceives on such a night!" he waggled his eyebrows with smiling eyes.

"I'm serious, Mario. Labor is different for every woman. Some have it very easy, some very hard. Sometimes it is quick, but most times it feels like it goes on forever. But, on these kind of nights, with a moon such as this, all are the same. Yet, it should be noted that birthrates on this night are as rare as the Smurf moon itself. It is like the world just skips this special occasion for fear of interfering with the unique stature of the moon as it exists. Just like, somehow, the moon is the foreteller of a greatness the world cannot possible endeavor to live up too," Smurfetta spoke.

"Are you trying to tell me you don't want to have sex?" Mario asked with his hands held apart from where she drew herself from his grasp.

"..." she sighed audibly, realizing where his mind really was. "You know, I know that there are good men out there. Good men who would do anything for their families and their society. But the majority of them, I swear are just idiots. I think men just want to spread their seed to as many women as possible because they're just jealous that they can't have babies!" she finished with a huff.

"No, no, no...This simply is not true. Where do you hear such trite nonsense? We do it because of the conquest! I mean..." his eyes went wide as he realized what he said and witnessed Smurfetta standing to leave. "That's not what I meant, baby! I love you! Stay!"

"You just met me two hours ago!" she replied as she left ego-trip to his own devises.

"Que cera, cera..." he said and started strumming his instrument in sudden loneliness.


"So, we were like in the hot tub and all when, bam! She was suddenly ready to deliver and the nurse was just like, 'what the!?' And, within half-an-hour, he was here!" Terrance excitedly related to the other members of the Lean Titans in the waiting room several hours later.

"All this while we went to get changed and get some dinner?" Robin inquired in disbelief.

The group wore their civilian clothing and were sitting in a small area outside the nurseries. They were waiting to see the newest member of the Tambini family and took the time to hear the details.

"You should've seen it, though. I've never seen anything like it. There was his head, and some blood, and this slurping sound..." Terrance started.

"Terrance, Terrance, that's...that's ok. I don't really want to hear the specifics. The nurse is coming, so let's just go see your son," Robin said with a tight smile, feeling a little out of his element.

"I would like to hear specifics," Jeannie input with her right hand raised.

"I'm sure he'll catch you up later," Robin replied.

"If you will just follow me, I'll show you where you all can look," the nurse politely informed and led them down the hall.


Dr. Squitavian looked around the barren hallway. He knew that the Tambini's would be occupied with their new child and felt that he had a moment's reprieve to enter their room and find the item. He remembered the one called Sapphire mentioning a globe, so he decided to look for that.

The room was a sanitized white just like the rest of the hospital. Yellow stripes ran down the middle of the halls and marked the equator of the room's walls as well. He never understood who thought yellow was an appeasing color in the hospital. He knew the psychological ramifications, of course. Pleasant, warm colors helped soothe the individual. However, colors such as yellow felt a little too hospitaly. He was just glad that red was one of those colors they didn't use.

Sato approached an innocuous looking bag in the corner of the room. Just as he was nearing it, someone called his name from the hallway. He swiftly turned and a moment later he saw a woman enter the room.

"There you are, doctor. Why are you in here?" she wondered.

"I...was just making sure everything was suitable for the Tambini's in the room. To ensure to their comfort," he said, putting his hands in his white jacket's pockets.

"You're so thoughtful," the woman replied with a smile. "Dr. Pillsby has requested your immediate presence in his office. I think they want to go over the new budget proposals."

"Now?" he said, slightly stunned.

"If you're not busy, that is," she replied waiting for his response.

"Of course," he said and exited the room. There will be another moment to acquire the artifact, he thought as he proceeded into the hall with one last quick glance at the room and the bag.


"So, what are we naming him?" Terrance inquired as Robin, Jeannie, and Rufus made googly faces at their child from behind the plexi-glass window to the nursery.

"I've been thinking about that. I think I have an idea...y'know, something I like. But, what do you think?" Syanna replied as she held the small infant in her arms.

He was wrapped in a white cloth and had his eyes closed. Terrance couldn't explain the elated feeling he had, though he knew things were going to be somewhat different for him and Syanna. Since they had a child to take care of, they would have to delegate how they handled crime-fighting, and how they would be there for the team. It was the only job they knew, and their sponsors would be wanting results as well.

"I don't know. My mind's still reeling. What's the name you like?" he finally asked from where he knelt beside Syanna.

"Well, I was thinking...Angelo," Syanna looked up from the child and at Terrance wanting to gauge his reaction.

"Cool. I like it," Terrance smiled.

"Angelo it is. So, do you like it, little boy?" she smiled and let the baby grip her index finger.
