The Buzz Spectors  Version 3.0










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Andrew's Les Paul Relief Fund...

On January 3rd, Andrew broke his $1000 Les Paul Guitar at the end of The Buzz Spectors' set at Otto's Niteclub in Dekalb. This was the predominant guitar used for the recording of 2000's Dangerous Playground equipment. It was also used in most shows The Buzz Spectors performed in 2000. While this important member of our family is currently out of commission, it's future can be a positive one. That's why we have started the Les Paul Relief Fund. Your donation to the L.P.R.F. will allow Andrew to fix the guitar and right his horrible misjudgement.  The relief fund will be at all shows in january and february. Donations will also be accepted at kiss the sky. Just ask for the money to be put in the Buzz Spectors' envelope. We hope you can find it in your heart to help bring this guitar back to health.

Click Here for the complete story.


While the donations have fallen short of the cost of fixing this great guitar, it was sent of to be repaired in St. Louis in mid November. I thank everyone that contributed to this fund. Contributions will still be welcome in the future-Andrew Spector

The Fund is currently at $71.83 (as of 10/2/03) 

   Andrew's Les Paul in better days, being played by Justin Scholtes.


A 2005 Weaksauce Records Production