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CROW'S HOARD: the Card Game of Strategic Greed, Caution, and Backstabbery

It is commonly known that certain crows gather shiny objects and hoard them in their nests. There are plenty of theories, but nobody knows exactly why they do this. Perhaps the crows do not even know. Personally, I suspect it is because crows are so intelligent that they accomplish all the daily work necessary for survival by the afternoon, so they figure out little games to divert them for the rest of the day. I can imagine that somewhere there is a crow bragging to the other crows about his shiny dime from 1940, and that another one aspires to bring home the moon one day.

I can even imagine that, had crows playing cards and the ability to shuffle, they would bet their shiny objects against each other in a game not too different from this one.

CROW'S HOARD is a trick-taking card game similar in many respects to the game of Hearts. The players compete to possess the most shiny objects, and every card you catch has an impact on that goal.

With its constant upsets, reversals, and hair-trigger alliances, CROW'S HOARD is one of the craziest card games you'll ever play.

7-page B&W letter-size PDF, designed for home printing

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