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so uhh while this is OUR picture page, i made it... so i get to have an unfair amount of pics on her in relation to all yall. without further adooo: PEEEKTUUUURE N0000MBAAAAR WAAAAAN!

That's me.

That's me in a field of baby marijuana plants feeling quite chipper.

That's me and my wonderful girlfriend natali on the penthouse patio of the guy who does champ the comic dog, the ambiguously gay duo, and the "Da Bears" skits on SNL.

this is an amazing piece of spaghetti i found in a box day. Isn't it AMAZING?

this is the view from the window directly behind my desk as i talk to you fools all day long on the board. If it wasn't such a crappy picture, you could see the verazano, brooklyn, +manhattan bridges, along with the entire downtown skyline ... basically everything south of 42nd street. To your left is brooklyn and queens and to your right is new jersey.

This is the view from the east side of my building of the chrysler building. its quite impressive from the 50th floor right across the street from it. i think this is from the 43rd floor tho.

This is a postcard i found that had my building on it so i circled my floors (43, 50, 51) sorta and scanned it to show my parents. So you guys can see it too, i guess. actually, no, you can't. look away NOW. anyways you can see from this where that view of the chrysler bldg came from. It'd be nice to see the empire state bldg from my bldg but that big black bldg behind mine completely blocks all view. i can see it in the reflection from another building depending on the weather tho. that's not so fun. anyways...on to the marijuana...

this is a most excellent field in jamaica. mmm.

Yes sir.

and where you have big fields of marijuana, you gosta have the drying shack!

Again, in the drying shack. There is absolutely no reason why these guys are putting all that weed into a trash bag other than we thought it would be a cool pose. They liked getting their pics taken. i have one (not here) with one of these rastas holding up 2 kittens, one in each hand, smoke still pouring from the joint in his mouth. good pic.

and that's all kidz. hope you enjoyed the show.