Everything I have done in the last month (or so).
Disclaimer: Since I probably pay less attention to my own life than everybody else does, this is probably horribly erroneous. If you actually care wether or not I'm accurate here, and you find some sort of mistake, send your complaints to this link.

September 19: I updated this site.
September 20-something: Got a job at Coles bookstore. It rules, but now I can't really be bored at work, because; believe it or not - there are things to actually do at work now.
September 30-ish: Quit my job at the information centre, which makes this site's official title "Bored At Work, Formerly Bored in Class, but now Bored at Home." or something, I guess.
October 1 to now: I went to work, and that's about it, really. There were a couple times I hung out with friends, I went to Brian Guana's party, and I think I played guitar and wrote and recorded a bunch of music and shit.  Oh, and I bought a book the other day; it's called "Everything is Illuminated" and it's by Jonathan Safran Foer. It's super-Jewish, but super-great. Too short, though. Good thing I get a THIRTY PERCENT DISCOUNT from Coles books. NOTE TO EVERYBODY: Get a job at Coles or Chapters or Indigo or Smith Books or the big bookstore in Toronto, because you get big discounts and the company (indigo!) is run by super nice people and you get good hours and stuff, even if you're dumn lyke mee. Other than that, I've done nothing at all. There are lots of pictures for this site, but I'm just too freaking lazy to actually go about scanning stuff and uploading stuff, and actually doing stuff.