AUGUST 30, 2003.

forget it. working is stupid and boring. i'm sitting back here in the office as much as i can today because there is a computer and a coffee maker. i'm eating my lunch now. i just got the brilliant idea that if i eat my lunch real slow, i have an excuse to sit here all day long and not do anything; see, if people come in and they need assistance, they can look back into the office (the door is always open for some reason), and see that i am eating my cold hamburger, and they will know that i'mhaving lunch and should not be disturbed. also if i keep typing this crap it might look like i'm actually doing something. it is a win-win situation, although i'm not really sure what the other party is winning. "What do we have for our customers today, Bob?" .. "Well, Kevin, they're just in time; since you're eating lunch they win the priveledge of not getting to talk to you!" tourists are annoying and usually stupid anyways.

 ..yep. i don't even know what to write about. that's what sucks about writing stuff in real time. you just write it as you think it. too bad i'm not the sucker who's coming to this site just to read all the crap i write. oh well, it's a lot more interesting than working; and all you're gonna do if you don't read this is look at german porn or read "fwd: 52352146 ways to annoy people at work" or do something stupid like that. so really, i'm saving you from what could be a boredom crisis. "There is a huge crisis in boredomville! We are under amber alert! We must all go buy duct-tape because it'll give us something to do!"

 See? (i guess you can't see, but..) it's been 10 minutes since i started 'lunch' and i've only had 2 bites of my cold burger and one sip of my coke. i think i'm a caffeine addict. maybe that's where i gat my super time powers from. in the sims, i can drink adioactive supercoffee, so maybe that's how it happened.

 oh yeah, i was going to tell you the story of what happened about 15 or 20 minutes ago when i went out behind the counter to pretend i was working. this guy came in and asked me what kind of fish he can catch in bacon lake. okay; i work at the information centre, but that doesn't mean i have fished in every lake in the province. so i looked on the map and i found bacon lake; near south river (ooo! exciting!). then i looked in my big fishing index and they don't have bacon lake. so either bacon lake has no fish in it, or it's such a stupid insignificant lake that the government wont even recognize it's existance. i like bacon lake; but only because its name kind of amuses me. i wonder if the water tastes like bacon; or if there's a 'lettuce and tomato island' in it. probably not, because it is a dumb lake and only one person in the world has ever heard of it besides me. i am the master of time and also lakes, apparently.

 not a very exciting story, was it? speaking of exciting stories, i'm gonna go read some more of my book now. it's "the black house" by steven king and peter straub. it took both of these guys to write this book apparently, and it's not really that great. i mean; it's a good book, and i'm enjoying it, but it just seems to be exactly like everything else steven king has ever written. his next book will probably be about a vampire alien who kills people with lawnmowers; and there will be a retired cop and his deaf friend, and they have to stop draculawn before anybody else finds out his true identity (because it turns out he's a mentally retarded guy who would never be a suspect everybody in the
town loves because he is cute and handicapped and sometimes he beats up bullies). yeah; time to go read that book now. later.